
受講生6 女性






A: Good afternoon.

N: Good afternoon. Have a seat.

A: Thank you.

N: What is your name?

A: My name is...

N: Where are you from?

A: I live in ... in Kanagawa prefecture.

N: I see.

N: Let me ask you a few questions about Japan. How is the climate in Japan?

A: Well, it is characterized by its distinctive four seasons. In spring and autumn the climate is relatively mild, and in summer muggy. You might feel uncomfortable. In winter we have a lot of snow especially in northern part of Japan and we can enjoy skiing there.

N: O.K. What's Haiku?

A: Oh, Haiku! It was perfected by Matsuo Basho? Oh, I'm sorry I'm not sure exactly who perfected. Haiku is one of Japanese poetic style with 5-7-5 syllables. It was developed in the Edo period.

N: O.K. 日本の貿易はどんな状況でしょうか?

A: Uh, trade…Japan enjoys trade surplus. That means exports amount is larger than imports.

N: What else? What kind of products does Japan export?

A: Vehicles or electronics items.

N: 東京のどのようなところが観光客にとって魅力的だと思いますか?

A: Well, I think the contrast between new and old. For example, in the east and south Shinjuku, you can find a bustling people, a lot of shopping center and so on. On the other hand, in the west Shinjuku, you can see a lot of skyscrapers. That's Interesting. (新宿御苑と西新宿を比較するつもりだったのに、違うことを口走ってしまいました、、、)

N: How can you describe Nikko?

A: Nikko is famous for its historical spot and its changing color leaves. There is the Toshogu shrine there, which is dedicated to the Tokugawa Shogunate.

N: How can you describe Hakone?

A: Hakone is famous for its hot spring, or spa. A lot of tourists go there for relaxing and for medical purpose.

N: Is it far from Tokyo?

A: No, not so far. It takes about an hour by train. (自宅からの所要時間を答えてしまいました、東京からは2時間以上かかりますよね、失敗!)

N: I would like to ask you one more question. How long is the life expectancy of the Japanese?

A: Sorry?

N: 質問を繰り返し。

A: Eighty six for women, seventy seven or eight for men? I'm sorry I forgot it.

N: なぜ、日本人は長寿なのでしょうか?

A: That is because of Japanese diet. Traditionally, we eat fish and rice. It is low in calorie and high in protein. That has contributed to Japanese longevity.

N: OK, That's all. Thank you very much.

A: Thank you very much. It was nice talking to you. (椅子から立った際に会釈して「ありがとうございました。」、退出時に「失礼します。」と述べました。)




