
受講生24 男性





A: (N,Jに対して)Good morning!(Jに対して)おはようございます。

J: Please put your belongings here, and take a seat.

A: Thank you.

J: Thank you for coming, and may I have your name?

A: It’s my pleasure. My name is …. .

J: Where do you live?

A: I live in … Ward, in the western part of Tokyo.


N: Is that your native town?

A: No. I was born in … Ward, in the center of Tokyo.(本来ならin the central part of Tokyoがベターのはずだと思いますが、かような質問は想定外であったため。)

N: Then, you are a Tokyoite!


A: Yes.

N: Have you ever been overseas?

A: Yes, I have. Since I worked for a trading company, I took quite a few overseas trips for business. Also, I was stationed in Belgium, Korea and Canada.

N: How long were you there?

A: 15 years in total. (と答えたものの、何でこんなに個人的な質問が続くのだろう、肝心な文化とか歴史等の質問はどうなっているのだろうと思ったところ、さらに)

N: Can you speak those foreign languages? (との意味合いの質問だったと思います)

A: I was too lazy to learn other languages than English. I can only take an order in Korean language. My Korean is an everyday conversation level.(いろいろと想定外の質問で、とうとう「注文する」が「注文を取る」位に私の英語が徐々に乱れてきた。但し、二人の試験官はともに笑顔を浮かべてくれた。)

N: Now, I’m going to ask you about things Japanese. What is obon?

A: Obon is a Buddhist annual event held on (fromが正しい) August 13th to 15th, or in some areas from July 13th to 15th. During this season, many Japanese return to their home towns. They visit the graves of their ancestors, and pay respects and give offerings.

N: Why is it in July, in some areas? What’s the difference?

A: The difference is based on (the) lunar calendar and new calendar.(咄嗟にsolarが浮かんでこず)

N: Do you practice obon?

A: Yes. My wife was born in …Prefecture, so my wife and I visit the grave of her parents. Also, we visit my parents’ grave in Tokyo in July.(実際に墓参するのはお盆でなくお彼岸なれど)

N: OK. Then, tell me about something like a statue of a cat.

A: A statue of a cat?

N: Yes.

A: We call it maneki-neko. It can be found in restaurants and shops.

N: What is that for?

A: They display it in order to attract customers.

N: Why is it a cat?

A: Um… I am not sure. Maybe, it is because a gesture of beckoning will invite customers, or a cat is charming… (私自身理由を知らないので、いい加減な解答になった)

N: When did it originate? (いつ頃からかとの質問で、表現がこの通りか否かは?)

A: I think it dates back to the Edo period of the 17th to the 19th centuries.(家でウィキペディアでチェック結果、起源は江戸時代と記されていたのでほっとした)

N: That’s all. Thank you very much and have a nice day.(笑顔で)

A: You,too! Thank you very much.(当方も笑顔で)

J: Thank you.(笑顔で)

A: Thank you very much. どうもありがとうございました。






ただし、試験官との話は比較的自然に流れ、相手が怪訝な顔をしたり、顔をしかめたりする場面はなかったので、当方の聞き間違えや聞きもらしはなかったのではないかと思いたいです。それと、何よりもネイティブ試験官が話しの前半から終始笑顔で、また日本人試験官も後半から笑顔を浮かべてくれ、最後はお二人とも揃ってスマイル顔で”Thank you!”と言っていただけたので、この点は昨年とだいぶ雰囲気が違っていました。

