
受講生11 男性





N: Please tell us your name, your birth date and the language.

A: My name is .... I was born on ... I took the English exam.

N: Are you a little nervous?

A: I am energized.

N: OK. Let’s start. What should I do if an earthquake happens while I stay with my parents in Japan?

A: You should stay calm until the tremor is settled. And then you go outside and go to a refugee site. Typically, the nearest junior high school’s ground is designated as a refugee site.

N: Is that all? Isn’t there any danger in a refugee site? Ground is maybe safe, but are we safe if we rush there?

A: If you rush to the site, you will be collapsed by someone. So please don’t rush.

N: Please explain how a typical statue of Buddha is like?

A: A typically statue of Buddha sit in a silent meditation with his eyes closed. The style is called zazen.

N: I will take my friend to Akihabara. I’m not familiar with computers. Where should I take him?

A: Akihabara is famous for electric appliance stores. The area has 250 appliances stores.

N: What building?

A: The name of the biggest one is “Onoden”…(確信なし)


N: Other features?

A: These days Akiabara is also famous “otaku”, people fascinated with something too much, for example, anime, game or idols.

N: A maid caf?. I haven’t been there, but it surely seems nice.

A: Yes, it must be.(助け舟の質問だと思われるが、自分も行ったことがないため、これ以上話せず。)

N: Where would you take your guest?

A: I would take them to Kawagoe. Actually, I live in Saitama. Kawagoe is the best place to visit and it is near Tokyo. “Kurazukuri-no-machinami” or a row of merchants’ houses made of black plaster walls and decorative tiled roofing is beautiful.

N: What do people call the city?

A: The city is called “Ko-Edo” or Little Edo, because it was made by imitating Edo, the former Tokyo.

N: Well, thank you for coming today.

A: I had a fun time with all of you. Thank you very much. 「ありがとうございました。」

