
受講生9 女性


試験会場: 東洋学園大学

受付: 10時から10時半

試験: 11時から 拘束時間: 12時まで(実際は12時15分くらいまで)

面接官: 外国人男性、日本人女性の2名



J: May I have your name?

A: My name is ....

J: Where do you live?

A: I live in Omori, Ota ward.

J: How long do you live in Omori?

A: Since I got married, so, well…about 10 years.

N: その前はどこ?

A: I was born and brought up in Matsudo, Chiba prefecture.

N: Do you have any job? Are you working?

A: No, I am a housewife (housewife なんて簡単な単語すら言いなおしてしまいました) with two children.

N: Oh. How old are they?

A: Elder one is 8 years old and younger daughter is 4 years old.

N: ということは、小学生ですね。あと何年小学校に通うのですか。


A: In the Japanese school system, we have 6 years compulsory education in elementary school and he is in the second grade, so 4 years left.

N: I see.

N: 最初に気候の質問です。Please describe the Japanese climate.

A: Japan has for clear seasons. Spring, summer, autumn and winter. Also we have rainy season called tsuyu before summer. And we have another rainy season called typhoon period in autumn. This year we have very short typhoon period.


N: Which season do you like best?

A: I like winter best, because I like winter sports like snowboarding.


N: Which winter resort do you recommend?

A: I strongly recommend Niseko and Tomamu in Hokkaido. They are very popular ski resorts especially for Korean and Australian people (二人うなずく) and we can enjoy skiing, snowboarding, and delicious seafood there. Also in summer, we can enjoy … パラセイリング.

N: Have you ever done parasailing?

A: Yes, I have. (ホントは子供たちと主人だけ。私はどう見てもそういうスポーツをしそうな外見ではないので。) It was really exciting. I am a kind of dangerous seeker. (笑)

N: 夏の気候は?

A: In summer, it is high humidity (humidityとhumidの使い方がいきなり混乱。よく分からないまま、口をつく単語を訂正しないでしゃべってしまいました) and high temperature. It is a little bit difficult to walk around and stay outside all day long. (But と続けようとすると)

N: So you recommend not to visit Japan in summer.

A: Not actually, because we have a lot of summer festivals called matsuri in summer and many of them such as fireworks displays are held in night time. So you can enjoy them even though it is humid and hot. 

N: 日本家屋が夏にいいということですが、どういうこと?説明してください。

A: Traditional Japanese houses are designed to be good … ventilation. In traditional Japanese rooms we have syouji sliding screens and husuma sliding doors. When we feel humid (このあたり、humidとhigh humidityもう完璧にごちゃごちゃ), we can remove all the husuma and open the shoji window. So air goes through.


N: Do you live in a traditional house?

A: Unfortunately, I live in a modern house, but my parent’s house is totally traditional Japanese style.

(日本人面接官がいぶかしい顔をしたので、「my parents’ は間違い!」と気付き)

Oh, my husband’s parents’ house. They live in Matsuyama in Sikoku, it is quite local area and their house is almost 40 years old and it has ceramic tile roofs called kawara. I feel a kind of nostalgia when I stay in the Japanese room there.


N: ノスタルジーといえば、I will ask you about history. I visited Kamakura last week and I noticed there were a lot of temples. Why are there a lot of temples in Kamakura?

A: Well, there is a historical background.


Kamakura was the seat of kamakura bakuhu military government for 200 years. Kamakura period started from about 12th century and the military leader 源頼朝 was influenced by Zen Buddhism. (自分で言っていて、は?っていう感じ。もうこの辺であわあわでした。) So that is why there are a lot of temples in Kamakura.


N: So, you said about Kamakura and Zen Buddhism. But still now I can’t understand the relationships between Kamakura and Zen and temples.

A: Well, …at that time samurai warriors were trained so much and to discipline themselves was so much important for them. (私のなかでは、だから禅の修業と結びつきますとこじつけたつもり。まだ答えを待っている様子だったので、何も考えずに話し出してしまいました。) Also Zen Buddhism put so much emphasis on the harmony between man and nature. (ここで、ヤバイ、何言い始めちゃったんだろうと思う。もう取り付く島もない状態でした。) And Kamakura is located in beautiful nature. So that is why.

N: I see. 自然と侍ね。だからお寺が多いわけね。分かりました。


That‘s all for today. Thank you.

A: Thank you very much. ありがとうございました。

J: Thank you. お疲れ様でした。






