
受講生17 男性






A: (ドアをノックして) Good afternoon.

J: Hello! Have a seat. What is your name?

A: My name is ...

J: Where are you from?

A: I live in ... Kanagawa prefecture.

J: I see.

N: Hello, nice to meet you.

A: Nice to meet you, too.

N: Let me ask you a few questions about Japan. I’m a tourist and I’m interested to see Todai-ji. Would you explain about Todai-ji?

A: Well, Todaiji Temple has a huge wooden building located in Nara, largest in Japan, and even in the world, I think. And there is a great Buddha statue. (大きいことを示すジェスチャーを交えて)

N: Are there any other things to see around Todai-ji?

A: Well, there is the other temple named Kofuku-ji, and a park where you can see many deers, and a shrine named Kasuga shrine. They are all in a walking distance, so it is really nice walking around there. (もう少し気の利いた説明ができなかったのが残念です)

N: How can I go to Nara from Tokyo?

A: First, you take a bullet train from Tokyo to either Kyoto or Osaka. I think Kyoto is better. Then switch trains to a private line there.

N: Thank you. I have heard about 53 stations of Tokaido but I have not a clear image about it, will you explain about it?

A: Well, it was the old major road from Tokyo to Kyoto and Osaka. In the Edo period or even before that, of course there were no trains or cars, so people had to walk on their foot. It took many days to reach Kyoto or Osaka, so they needed an accommodation to stay. So there were towns for people to stay over a night.

N: I see, does it mean they needed 53 days to reach Kyoto or Osaka?

A: Yes, I think so. (後で反省しました。足の早い人は53日も掛からない。このことを言うべきであった)

N: Weren’t there any other ways to go to Kyoto or Osaka area?

A: Well, there was other major road called Nakasendo which goes from Tokyo to north first then turn to south. (ジェスチャー交えて)

N: Does it go through Saitama, Gunma area?

A: Yes, and it goes up to Nagano where it turns to south to Kyoto and Osaka area. (中仙道の詳細なルートは覚えていなかったので詳細は言えませんでした)

N: O.K. Thank you. Let me ask the next question. When I traveled around Chiba and Tokyo area, I saw some trees being wrapped with rice straw. What is that for?


A: Oh, that is to enshrine a God. Japanese Shinto is polytheistic, so many nature things can be a god, like a tree or even a stone. (この意味で使うならばenshrineよりもworshipを使うべきであったか?)

N: Oh is that so? Then it is not for the protection of trees from cold.


A: Oh, did you say trees were wrapped by straw? Sorry, I probably mistook it. Yes, it is to protect trees from cold, I think. (と思わず言ってしまいましたが、後で友人から、これは、藁が暖かいから虫が集まるので、木を虫の害から守る為であるとのこと。恥ずかしながら、知りませんでした。)

N: Well, I don’t know. We are finished, thank you for coming here today.

A: Thank you very much. Good afternoon.






