
受講生39 女性


J: Hello. How are you?

A: Pretty good. Thank you.

J: You are from ….

A: Sendai

J: How long did you take?

A: It took 2 hours.

J: Are you going to stay in Tokyo tonight?

A: I’ll go back soon.

J: Sendai is not far.

A: Small world

J&N: (laugh)

J: Let’s start the exam. This is (A's name. I forgot.) She is pretending to be a student who has just come from America. She will ask some questions. Please answer them and entertain her.

N: Tell me a good garden in Tokyo.

A: I heard Shinjukugyoenn is nice. Every season you can enjoy beautiful flowers and plants.

N: Where is it? How can I get to?

A: It’s near Shinjuku station. You can get there by 5 minutes walk.

N: Tell me a nice garden from anywhere in Japan.

A: Rinnouji temple in Sendai has a nice garden. In early summer, you can see beautiful irises.

J: Is there anything around there?

A: There is a temple. Purple irises make beautiful contrast with an old temple. You can have chance to attend tea ceremony.

N: What is tea ceremony?

A: Do you know maccha?

N: Yes.

A: Hot water pour Maccha green powder and serve. It shows hospitality and gratitude.

N: I saw sweet at tea ceremony. What is it made from?

J: There are many kinds.

A: Yes, there are many kinds of sweets. Most popular one is soft and colorful one. It made from flour or rice.

J: Color… It looks spooky. How do you color it?

A: You don’t have to be afraid of it. The color is from flower and plants.

J: Is it natural?

A: Ah some use artificial addict. (additive)

N: I saw black weird thing. When we make some sweet half, we saw it. It's sweet. What is it?

A: (饅頭のことをいっていたのについしょっちゅう食べているおはぎのことが頭にうかんでしまった。) We usually eat smashed rice with red beans cover on it.

N: That’s it. What is it?

A: We call it OHAGI.

N: Then what is red beans called?


N: I see. We eat salty beans, never sweet. So Japanese beans taste sweet is something strange to me.

A: Oh.

N: I often saw red and white curtains in Japan. Moreover, black and white ones. What are they?

A: Red and White ones are used for ceremonial occasions like weddings. For Happy occasions. Black and white curtains are used for sad occasions.

N: I see.

J: Ok. It’s over. Have a nice day.

A: You too. I was very nervous. but you are so nice. Thank you. Nice talking to you.



