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CEL英語ソリューションズ 最高経営責任者
曽根 宏


4回の連載で、「英語を読む/書く/聴く」の効果的な勉強方法を取り扱いましたので、今回で語学の4技能のすべてをカバーすることになります。 さっそく練習問題をやってみましょう。 以下の話題について、2分程度でご自分の意見/主張を英語で口頭で述べてみてください。話す内容を考えて、整理する時間を1分として、計3分ゲームです。さあ、どうぞ!

“Are food-safety standards strict enough?”

さて、いかがでしたでしょうか。Introduction, Body, Conclusionを明確にして、ご自身の意見/主張を筋道立てて、しっかりとまとめることができましたでしょうか?



In this age of free trade as a part of globalization, here in Japan, we are able to eat various foods from all over the world. Furthermore, food is often processed and modified before it reaches our dinner tables. With these things in mind, we need to consider whether food-safety standards are strict enough. I’m afraid the answer is “no”.

The Japanese government has been, to a certain extent, regulating the food industry in order to protect the population. However, I can show you two examples where the Japanese government has failed to do so.

First, there was an incident where a well-known milk company knowingly sold spoiled milk products, causing thousands of people to become ill. The 2nd example is BSE, or mad cow disease. The Japanese government did too little to sufficiently ensure the safety for the consumers in both incidents.

Another issue of concern is the condition of food that is imported into Japan. There have been reports of food tainted with chemicals, but another serious problem is the import of genetically-modified food, that is GM food. Food containing less than 5% of GM crops can be labeled as 'non GM'. I don’t want to eat GM food, but with lax labeling standards, I really don’t know what food to avoid.

Those are the reasons I think that food safety standards are still inadequate in Japan. I hope the Japanese government creates stricter standards and conducts more inspections in order to ensure food safety we can rely on.
