
受講生9 男性


試験官は日本人面接官(女性)とNative Speaker(男性)の2名のみ。受験会場の教室では終始和やかな雰囲気で、そのおかげでリラックスして面接に臨むことができた。質問の内容は、9割が舞子や芸者に関する話題。最後に1問だけ、地震が起きたとき、どのような行動をとったらよいかの質問があった。日本語による質問はなかった。



N: How does the geisha (system) affect modern society in Japan?

A: The geisha system is very important in Japanese society. From geisha, we can know the traditional Japanese custom and culture. Geisha is a professional entertainer, so you can know a lot of things from geisha.

N: What is the difference between a maiko and a geisha?

A: A maiko is an apprentice geisha and a geisha is a professional entertainer.

(この質問は、直前にDan 先生からのニュースレターに掲載された内容そのもの。)

N: If a maiko wants to be a geisha, what things are necessary?

A: It is necessary to get more skills for Japanese traditional dancing and Japanese custom. It takes about 10 years to become a geisha.(ニュースレターには5年とあったので、長過ぎるなと後で思った。)

N: Have you ever seen a maiko?

A: No,... I have only seen a photo of a maiko in a magazine about Kyoto.


N: Where do geisha work?

A: They work at a traditional Japanese restaurant and a traditional ryokan.


N: Is it expensive?

A: Yes, it is expensive, because geisha have professional skills for entertainment.


N: Where can I see geisha?

A: You can see a lot of geisha in Kyoto. In Tokyo, you can see them too, but Kyoto has many traditional Japanese restaurants. So I recommend Kyoto.

(日本人面接官がNative Speakerに、同じ分野の質問が続いたので「別の質問をお願いします」と質問リストを確認しながら伝えていた。)

N: If earthquake should happen, what should we do?

A: It is important to find the place to escape in order to protect your head. If you have injuries, and you don't understand Japanese, a tour guide contacts the police and a hospital. In order to prepare for an earthquake, it is important to prepare a light, food and drink. Also, it is necessary to set TV and furniture firmly.



