
受講生7 女性


会場: 首都大学東京南大沢

8:45 到着、待合室(大教室)で待機(自由席)

9:00 移動し受け付け、控え室(別の大教室)で待機

9:50 受験教室の階へ移動(集団で)

10:00 本番。





A: (ドアをノックして) Good morning.

J: Good morning. Leave your bags on that table. What is your name?

A: My name is ...

(Have a seat と言われなかったので立ったまま)

J: Where do you live?

(Have a seat と言われなかったので、ここで着席する)

A: I live in ...

N: That’s pretty close here, right?

A: Not really. It took me about an hour to get here.

N: I see. Let me ask you some questions.

A: OK.

N: I’m interested in Japanese TV program. Which TV program do you recommend?

A: I would recommend the educational programs of NHK. Especially the history programs are interesting. They are not like classroom lecture…


…let me see. Ok, it’s like a combination of drama and lecture so you can see what the historical event was like.

N: Sounds interesting. Are they available in English also?

A: Yes. Some of them have English translation.

N: That’s great. Ok then, since you like history, the next question is about the Japanese history. I hear often about Meiji Restoration. Why is it so important in the Japanese history?

A: It was a big political change and the rapid modernization and westernization impacted the lifestyle of the people. It was in 1868. Before that the country was ruled by Shogunate, a military government. After the restoration the new modern style government started the administration based on the modern constitution.

N: When you say modernization, does it mean democracy?

A: It’s different from the democracy today. Back then, the emperor was on top. Today the emperor is only the symbol of the nation.


N: I watched the Sumo tournament on TV. I notice some ritual the wrestlers perform before the match. I think they throw salts. What is that for?

A: Oh, that’s purification. Sumo has a religious origin so there are some rituals. They purify the ring first before they start anything.

N: I see. I don’t think we have anything like that in the football game. (笑)

A: I don’t think so. (笑)

N: Next question is about the global warming. How does the global warming impact Japan?

A: I think the weather has changed especially in the last couple of years. We have hotter summer and warmer winter.

N: That’s actually good, though.

A: Well, but kids love snow. I think there used to be much more snow when I was little but less snow recently I think due to the global warming.

N: And how about the rain. Back home in UK, we had some violent rain storms. Did you experience something like that in Japan also?

A: Oh, yes. This summer we had some very violent ones. The Japanese rainy season is not like that usually. Unlike the violent tropical rain, we usually have weaker rain shower in the Japanese rainy season. But this year, we had some very violent storms.

N: Some European countries are ecology conscious. How about Japan? How do Japanese people react?

A: I think we are ecology conscious. For example, we separate garbage so that some of them can be recycled. I myself use eco-bag for shopping.

N: How about conserving water?

A: I’m not sure if we are so conscious about water because we didn’t have a serious problem about water that often before. But now we are starting to realize the importance of water. I think some schools started to teach kids the importance of water.

N: Well, I think it’s time to stop now. Thank you very much.

A: Thank you very much.





