
受講生12 男性


会場: 福岡会場





A: (付き添い係りがドアを開け) Good morning.

N: Good morning. Have a seat. What is your name?

A: My name is ….

N: Where are you from?

A: I am from Nagasaki.

N: Which part of Nagasaki?


A: In Nagasaki City.

N: Oh, at which station did you get on the train?

A: At Nagasaki station.

N: Oh, it’s Ok. I will give you some questions. When you take foreign tourists to Todaiji temple, how do you explain it?

A: Pardon?


N: I will give you some questions. When you take foreign tourists to Todaiji temple, how do you explain it?

A: Todaiji temple was built in the Nara period, in the 8th century. It is built by the Shomu-Tenno or Emperor Shomu in order to make peace.


N: Why did the transition between the Edo period and Meiji era occur?

A: In the end of the Edo period, when American Admiral Perry arrived in Japan, officials in the Tokugawa shogunate couldn’t do anything at all. In this situation, many Japanese knew that the Tokugawa shogunate did not have the power. So many revolutionaries such as Ryoma Sakamoto or Kido Takayoshi tried to terminate the government. And the Meiji restoration which can be called revolution happened.


N: What was Tokaido-Gojusantsugi?

A Tokaido-gojusantsugi was the main road in the Edo period from Shinagawa, Tokyo to Sanjo, Kyoto. Sorry, it was not Tokyo, it was called Edo. In the Edo period, Kansai district called “Kamigata” was commercial area, so the main street was needed.

( 日本橋から三条大橋、もしくは品川から大津というべきところが、かなり中途半端な表現になってしまった。江戸時代の五街道のひとつとか、オランダのカピタンや朝鮮通信使が往来したという外国人が興味を持ってくれそうな解説を付け加えられなかったことを後悔している。胆力を振り絞ればもっと説明できたはずだと思う。三問目の質問あたりで、「早く試験が終わらないかな」という消極的な姿勢になってしまったので、「これではいけない、この人たち(つまり試験官)ととことんまで付き合うつもりにならなければ」と気持ちを切り替えた)


N: I will give you another practical question. When I need cash, what should I do?

A: You may go to the bank and draw your money with a cash card.

N: At the week ends? Banks are closed.

A: Some banks offer the service even at the weekends.

N: I will give you another practical question. When a tour bus is stopped because of a traffic accident or traffic jam, what would you do?

A: I would call a travel agency that a traffic accident or traffic jam happened and announced to tourists, “Please wait for a while”


N: For a while, long time…

A: Oh, I would like to sing traditional Japanese songs.


N: Which song do you sing?

A: Amagi Goe


A: It is enka, Japanese ballad. I know many those songs.

N: Do you like karaoke?

A: Yes, I like karaoke very much.


私としてはあまり記憶にないのだが、ともかくこのあたりで終了した。外国人試験官は終始にこやかで、女性試験官も合格させてくれそうな雰囲気を感じた…。もっとも、雰囲気だけかもしれないが。最後に、Thank you very much. ありがとうございました。と日本語で付け加える。ドアを出るとき、付き添いの係員がいて、どちらがドアを閉めるべきか迷ってしまった。入室のときと同様、付き添いの係員がドアを閉めたが、これはよくなかったかもしれない。とりあえず、退室するときもお辞儀をした。

