
受講生34 女性


試験会場: 首都大学東京(南大沢)

試験時間: 15:00集合、15:20移動、15:30本番開始。

試験官: ネイティブ(30-40代女性)、日本人(50代の女性)の2名。とても和やかな雰囲気。




A: (ドアをノックして) May I come in?

J&N: Sure, come on in. Good afternoon!

A: Good afternoon.

J: Please put on your bag and coat on the table (と入口そばに置かれた長机を指し、そのまま質問開始) and have a seat. Please tell me your name and where you live.

A: (荷物を置いて座る直前に質問されたので、名前と何を答えればよいかよく聞こえなかったが、Jの発言後着席し) My name is …. I live in ….

J: (少し絶句して) OK, thank you. (もしかして住んでいるところではなく、掛かった時間を聞かれたのか?)

N: Well, let me ask you some questions about Japan. I know there are a lot of flowers in Japan. But why do Japanese people like cherry blossoms?

A: First of all, cherry blossoms are beautiful. And they just ブルー…(単語が出てこず、開花する様子を両手でジェスチャー)

N: “Bloom”

A: Oh, thank you.

N: You’re welcome. (とにっこり。自然な流れ)

A: Cherry blossoms just bloom for only 10 days in spring time. So Japanese people think how such a beautiful thing can’t last for a long time, and feel sad. (ワビもサビも言葉が出てこず) So we Japanese like cherry blossoms. (Aは熱心にメモを取る)

N: I see. Do cherry blossom trees really have cherries?

A: Yes. Because there are both male and female tress and … I’ve ever seen cherries on the trees.

N: I see. So how Japanese people enjoy cherry blossoms?

A: Well, in Japan … most people go to see cherry blossoms in the night. (何を思ったか、“most”を使った途端、Aがチェックを始めた)

N: Oh? Why?

A: Because in Japan, there are a lot of places which have cherry blossoms decorated with lanterns. People like to walk under the trees. It’s beautiful in the night.

N: Oh, I see. (とびっくりしたけど納得した感じ)

Then next question. If the foreign tourist left his camera on the train, what should he do?

A: First I’ll make him feel relieved. I’ll say “Don’t worry”. After that, I’ll contact the information center. For example, if he left his camera on the JR line, I’ll call the information center at Tokyo station. I believe other lines have same information desk..

N: Tourists in Japan are so lucky, even if they leave something, the Lost & Found works. (と笑いながら答えてくれたところで、“Lost & Found”を使うべきだったと気づく)

A: Yes, certainly.

N: In Japan, there are a lot of dialects. Could you tell me one of familiar with you?

A: Well, I have grown up in the Kanto area …, ah, Okinawa! Dialect which Okinawan people speak is the familiar with me. (“Okinawan”とこの後も繰り返し使用してしまった) I’ve been there for a few times.

N: Did you go to Okinawa? Did you understand them?

A: No. When I went there for the first time, I went to the shrine. But I couldn’t understand what the guide told me because the senior citizens use the strong di… (とまたここで単語が出ず)

N: “dialect”

A: Thank you. They can use the strong dialect. So Okinawan dialect is familiar with me.

N: All right. Now I’ll ask you a practical question. Why does samurai have two swords?

A: Oh, sword? (と身体の右側に長い刀を差しているようにジェスチャー)

N: Yes!

A: Well, that is because they have to battle in the war and protect their feudal loads … but did you say “two” swords?

N: Yes, yes.

A: Oh, I’m afraid, I know the sword, but I don’t know why they have two swords, so I can’t explain the reason. I’m sorry. (と素直に平謝り状態)

J&N: (慌てた感じで) Oh, that’s OK. Don’t worry. It’s OK.

J: Well, that’s all for today. Thank you very much. We enjoyed talking with you.

A: Thank you very much. ありがとうございました。(と着席したまま一礼) Can I leave… (と机の上に最初に自分で置いた受験カードを指差すと、)

J: You may take it.

A: I see.

J: You did a great job. (とかなんとかお褒めの言葉)

A: (立ち上がって振り返り)、Have a good night! (窓の外が暗かったのでつい言ってしまったが、“evening”だろう、と後で気付くが遅い。ドアを開け、丁寧に両手で閉めるところを審査官はずっと見ていた。その後ドアの外で待っていてくださった係員にも有難うございましたと礼。)


試験は会場入りの段階からとてもスムーズな進行でした。不安に思うところがありませんのでしたので、そのまま安心して教室に入れました。所要時間は10分ちょうどです。入室の際にノック+”Hello”の方は多いと思いますが、“May I come in?”の方が自然ですし、他に使っている方をあまりお見かけしなかったので、良いアピールが出来たかと思います。また「2次試験の気になる点すべて教えますセミナー」で曽根先生がおっしゃられたポイントは、確実にクリアするよう頑張りました。



