
受講生50 女性





A: Good afternoon.

J: Good afternoon. Please put your baggage on the table. Please have a sheet.

A: Thank you.

N: Please don’t be nerves.

A: Thank you.

J: What is your name?

A: My name is ...

N: Let me ask you a few questions about Japan. I think Japanese has a lot of dialects. Do you have any problems to communicate? Please explain some examples.

A: Yes, we have different dialect from region to region. I came from Hiroshima. Hiroshima’s people have particular dialect. Our dialect is strong. (これは適切な表現ではありません。語気が強いことをいたかったのですが) Here is an example. When Hiroshima’s people talked each other in Tokyo, a policeman came to the place. Someone thought that there was a quarrel and called the police. However, most people can speak normal Japanese. So there is no serious problem. But in the case of older people living in rural area, someone cannot speak normal Japanese. In this case, there are some problems.

N: I think Japanese like flowers and enjoy flower arrangement. Particularly, cherry blossom is very popular. Are there any reasons?

A: At first, full blooming cherry blossoms are incredibly beautiful. However, there are some other reasons. Cherry blossom is the sign spring will come soon after long and cold winter. Another reason is that when cherry blossoms are blooming, many Japanese start new life, because school year starts in April and the fiscal year also start in April. Cherry blossom is a celebration for the new life.

N: If you guide foreign tour group at Todaiji Temple, what will you show them at first?

A: Todaiji Temple is famous for the great statue of Buddha. The statue of Buddha is the largest one. So I ’d like to explain it at first.

N: After visiting Todaiji Tmple, if there is a heavy traffic jam and your bus cannot move, what will you do?

A: If I am a tour guide, I will prepare quiz about Japanese culture and something. So if the traffic jam lasts one hour, I will be able to manage it.

N: Hokkaido is the best place to go skiing. Are there any other places I can enjoy skiing?

A: Yes. You can enjoy skiing all over Japan except for Okinawa. But Nagano Prefecture is a nice place to enjoy skiing. An Olympic was held in Nagano in the past. So I recommend you go to Nagano.

N: O.K. This is the last question. Japan has a long history. Which period are you interested in most?

A: I am interested in the Edo Period. During the Edo Period, Japan was isolated from all over the world. So, Japanese particular culture was developed. For example, ukiyoe, beautiful printing, and Kabuki, traditional stage act were developed during the Edo Period. So, I am interested in the period.

N: O.K. That’s all today. Thank you very much.

A: Thank you very much. ありがとうございました。



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