
受講生7 女性






J: (ドアを開け、入室するよう促しながら笑顔で) Hello.

A: (部屋の前の待機用イスから立ち上がって) Hello.

J: Please come in.

A: Thank you. (入室して外国人試験官に) Good afternoon.

N: Good afternoon.

J: Put your luggage here and have a seat.

A: Thank you.

J: Thank you for coming to the interview. Please tell us your name.

A: My name is …

N: And where do you live?

A: I live in Fuchu City in Tokyo. (両面接官がけげんそうな顔をしたので) in the West area of Tokyo.

N: How long have you lived there?

A: Because I am university student and senior now, this is the forth year living there.

N: I see.

A: (両面接官とも手元の書面を見ていたが、今住んでいるところの話より出身地の話を聞いてほしいと思ったので、すかさず) But my home town is Chichibu City in Saitama, north of Tokyo. It is very famous for Chichibuyomatsuri, Chichibu Night Festival in winter. It draws a lot of tourists.

N: From abroad or Japan? (表現をよく覚えていません。)

A: Both from abroad and domestic.

N: (秩父長瀞が観光地として有名らしいという話をし始める)

A: (岩畳とラインくだりについて少し話す。このあたりの会話は用意されていた質問ではなく、単なる場を和ませるための会話と思う。)

N: O.K. I see. Where do you think the place to know? (表現あいまい)

A: (質問の意味がよく分からなかったので) For foreign people?

N: No, (忘れてしまったが日本の有名な場所についての質問と思った。)

A: I think Kyoto is very famous place. The area is registered as a World Heritage Site and there are many historic sites such as temples and shrines, very beautiful traditional Japanese Gardens, and so on.

N: I see. Tell me about traditional Japanese gardens.

A: There are mainly two types of Japanese gardens. One is landscape gardens and the other is Rock gardens. In landscape gardens, there are mountains (moundsの間違いでした。), pond, stream, pathways and visitors stroll around the garden and can enjoy the changing of the view. In Rock gardens, the rocks represent mountains or islands and sand or pebbles represent water. That's why the garden is called Dry garden, too.

N: Do you have any recommendation of traditional Japanese garden?

A: I recommend Rikugien in Komagome, in Tokyo. It is built by one of the followers of a Shogun in Edo period. (どのように言ったか忘れてしまったが何があるのかや、景色が美しいこと、街中に多くの自然がある点、今なら葉が身頃ということを伝えた。)

N: Ah, I see. You are a university student and will graduate it soon, right?

A: Yes.

N: Why do you want to become a tour guide?

A: When I was a high school student, I found that I was very happy to see foreign people enjoying things Japanese, such as the pottery and kimono. I was so impressed and I realized that I want people from foreign countries to know more about Japan. That's why I want to become an English-speaking tour guide.

N: Okay. What is the difference between uchiwa and sensu.

A: Both uchiwa and sense are fans but the shapes are different. Uchiwa is a round fan. On the surface, some picture is drawn. On the other hand, sensu is a folding fan, so you can make it into more compact size. Sensu is also used in traditional Japanese comedy telling as a tool for chopstick and like that. (後半は文法がところどころあやしくなってしまった。)

N: Okay. This is the end of the interview. Thank you very much.

J: Thank you.

A: Thank you very much.

A: (ドアを開ける前に) Have a nice rest of the day.

N: Thank you.

J: Thank you. You, too.

A: Thank you. (退出)






