
受講生9 女性






J: (ドアを開けて) お入りください。

N: Hello. Please put your bag and coat on either chair and have a seat.

A: (着席しながら) Good afternoon.

J+N: Good afternoon.

J: Please tell us your name and where you live.

A: My name is ... and I live in … ward in Tokyo.

N: (何の前振りもなく) What is the Japanese climate like?

A: Japan has four distinctive season, spring, summer, autumn and winter. There is a rainy season in early summer that usually starts from mid-June and lasts for about a month. There is also a typhoon season which normally starts in September and continues through November.

N: Can you explain Haiku?

A: Haiku is a Japanese traditional style poem and it is made of 5 syllables, 7 syllables and 5 syllables. It is very short, but haiku is supposed to be the best way to express Japanese emotions and sceneries. The other feature is that haiku must contain a keyword that represents a season. Haiku is considered to be the most sophisticated form of Japanese literature and poem.

N: Can you give me the examples of those seasonal terms?

A: Hmm…(俳句に関して何も準備していなかったので3秒ほど考え込む)I cannot think of any specific examples at this moment, but those terms usually include fish names, flower names and so on. So, for example, Ayu, sweet fish, is summer fish, so that implies summer, and flowers also imply certain seasons. There are many other examples. (何も思いつかなかったのでこういうようなことを早口でまくしたてて誤魔化す→実際誤魔化せたかどうかはわからない)

N: Explain the attraction of Hakone to the tourists.

A: Hakone is a great place to visit!(大げさに強調) It has many onsen hot spring resorts. It also belongs to a national park, so there are many natural assets such as mountains, lakes, and hot springs. There are also historical sites as well. So, there are many things to see. Particularly, there is a beautiful lake called Ashinoko and you can take a short ferry ride and enjoy the view. You can have a great view of Mt. Fuji from the south end of this lake. There are many museums in Hakone as well. So, there are many tourist attractions and I think tourists would like Hakone.(情報をうまくまとめきれなかった)

N: What is the trade situation in Japan?

A: Trade? You mean… trade like trading…(tradeと言われても幅が広いので、ヒントを得ようとしたが…)

N: Yes, trade. (全くヒントにならなかった)

A: So, you mean like import and export kind of trade?

N: Yes. (と言ったと思う)

A: Japanese trade situation is really bad currently. Since Japan is an export-oriented country, the declining export is hurting the economy severely. So, the government is now trying to increase the consumer spending, domestic spending to boost the economy instead of relying on export. But, the private sector is also trying to develop a new technology so that Japan can be a leader in the world trade.(経済を牽引する新しい技術を生み出そうとしていると言いたかったが、かなりズレた表現になった。この回答も全体的に情報をうまくまとめきれなかった。政府の内需拡大の話を最後に持ってきた方がよかったと思う)

N: Where would you take tourists in the Tokyo area?

A: So, in Tokyo?

N: In the Tokyo area.(関東地域というニュアンスだったようだ)

A: OK, there are so many good places in the Tokyo area. But, I would like to take tourists to Sensoji in Asakusa. Sensoji is the temple for the famous gate with a big red lantern hanging inside. That is a landmark of Tokyo. Sensoji has the oldest history in Tokyo and it’s been very popular among common people. Traditionally, Sensoji allowed merchants and performers to operate within its precinct, it became the center of entertainment as well as worship. Even today, there is a strip mall called Nakamise within the property and there are many souvenir shops. So, Sensoji is a very vibrant lively fun temple. I think tourists would like it and it’ll be a great place to start the tour in Tokyo.(特にツアーを始めるにあたってどこがよいかという質問ではなかったが、こんな文が口から出た)

N: What is the Japanese people’s life expectancy?

A: Life expectancy?(意外な質問だったので思わず聞き返した)

N: Yes.

A: I believe it’s 85 years for women and 78 for men. I think it is the longest life expectancy in the world.(they areと言うべきだったかも)

N: Why do they live so long?

A: There are a couple of reasons. First, it is the Japanese food.(dietと言うべきだった)Japanese food is high in protein and does not contain many fat materials(変な表現), so they are very healthy and people can stay healthy and live long. Other thing is the climate, I think. Japanese climate is mild in general. It belongs to the temperate zone. It gets hot and cold, but not extreme. I think this climate also helps people live long. Oh, and(ここで思いついたので付け足す)Japanese people are very health conscious(ここで日本人の試験官が微笑みながら何度も頷く)、they like to exchange information about health all the time and there are many magazines about health and so on. I think this also helps people stay healthy and prevent from getting sick, and they can live long.

N: OK, that’s all for the questions. Thank you.(ここで初めて外国人試験官が笑顔を見せた)

A: Oh, thank you very much.

A: (席から立ち上がってからもう一度)Thank you very much.(そして日本人試験管に向かっておじぎをしながら)ありがとうございました。

A: (最後に部屋のドアを閉めるときにおじぎをしながら)Thank you very much.



この外国人試験官は非常に真面目な方だったようで本当に機械のように決められた質問をこなしていく感じで、私が答えたことに関して特に会話が膨らむということはありませんでした。他の方のレポートに見られるような、自己紹介前後のsmall talk的なものも一切ありませんでした。私は日常会話は不得手ではないので、もう少し会話が膨らんで自分のコミュニケーション能力をアピールできればと思っていたのですが、思惑通りにはいかず残念でした。まあ、どの試験官に当たるかは縁なのでしかたないですね(笑)。でも、この外国人試験官の方も質問終了後には満面の笑顔を見せてくださったので、きっと面接中はちゃんと自分の役割を果たさねばならないという気持ちで一杯だったのだと思います。

面接を行った教室は比較的広い教室で奥の方に席がもうけられていたため、「Hello. Please put your bag and have a seat」と言われてから、実際に試験官の前に行って座るまで時間がかかったのでどのタイミングで挨拶してよいのかわからず、あまりハキハキとした挨拶ができませんでした。私は声の大きさが取り柄なので、これも少し残念でした。



また文化・芸術面では、茶の湯、歌舞伎、浮世絵などは一通りおさえていたのですが、なぜか俳句だけは全くノーマークでこの質問が出たときは正直内心真っ青になりました。なんとか、基本的な知識だけは出せたと思いますが、季語の例を挙げて欲しいと言う次の質問にはお手上げでした。今年は一次試験の一般常識にも俳句の季語絡みの問題がありましたし、俳句は今後も要チェックかもしれませんね。ちなみに後で調べたら「鮎」は本当に夏の季語でした。実はこれはTrad Japanで江口先生とアトキンさんが鮎の話をしていたのを思い出してとっさにそれを言ってみただけだったんです。どこでどんな情報が役立つかわからないですね(笑)。



