
受講生6 女性





A: (ドアをノックして)Good Afternoon.

J&N: Good Afternoon. Have a seat.

J: Have a seat, please.

A: Thank you.

J: What's your name?

A: My name is ......

J: Where do you live?

A: I live in Tokorozawa, Saitama Prefecture.

N: Let me start. I'll ask you questions. First, "why are there so many preparatory schools (yobiko) and cram schools (juku) in Japan?

A: Because children want to get good grades at school and want to prepare for entrance examinations to so-called good schools. I hear that about 25% of elementary school children go to juku.

N: I see. What do you think of that?

A: Well, I have two children and I want them to get good grades at school. But they are still young so I'm sure they need time to play. It's difficult.

N: I see. OK, next question. "What is the cheapest way to travel around Japan?

A: The cheapest way to travel around Japan. From wide variety of accomodations, I recommend "minshuku." Minshuku is a private home that offers overnight accomodation. It has friendly and homy atmosphere. And I recommend you choose local trains not express ones if you have a lot of time. (地元の人たちにも会えるし、ゆっくり旅するのも楽しいと思います、というようなことを言いました)

N: How much does it cost to stay at minshuku?

A: I think it ranges from 2,000 yen to 4,000 yen. (根拠なし。なんとなく5,000円だと高いような気がして)

J: I see. Is there youth hostels in Japan?

A: Yes, but not many.

N: I see. OK, nest question. "What was the Showa Period like before World War II?

A: The emperor, Tenno, was the head of the states. Japan experienced some wars.(もう少し何か答えましたが失念) I think Japan wanted to gain its territory so Japan started World War II.(頭の中には「ほんまか?」と浮かんでましたが)

N: The Showa Period was long, form 1925 to 1989. Then "what was that period like after World War II?"

A: The new constitution was promulgated and the emperor became a symbol of the state and he is not allowed to involve in politics.(もう少し天皇についての話をしました)

N: What about people's life?

A: Japanese experienced rapid economic growth.(豊かになって、不況になる前の豊かさを楽しみました、というようなことを言いました)

N: I see. I'll go on to the next question. "Where do you recommend me to enjoy cherry blossoms?"

A: Because of the length of the country, you can enjoy cherry blossoms as early as late January in Okinawa, and as late as in May in Hokkaido. In Tokyo, I would recommend you go to Inogashira Park. You can go there in 30 minutes from here. There is a pond called "Pond Inogashira." Cherry trees around the pond has grown, for some reason, toward the pond. So cherry blossoms themselves are beautiful but you can also enjoy the image reflected on the pond. That's very beautiful!

N: Oh, I see.

J: では、ここからは私が日本語で質問いたします。「あなたはどのようなツアーガイドになりたいですか?

A: 私は、若い頃海外旅行が好きで、いろんな国を訪れました。そして、いろんな場所での素敵な思い出がたくさんあります。日本を訪れる外国人観光客の方々にも私と同じような経験をしていただきたいと思います。まず、日本での滞在を楽しんでいただき、日本を好きになっていただき、楽しい思い出を持ち帰っていただくお手伝いができればうれしいです。

J: そのためにはどのようになさいますか?

A: 個人旅行の方の場合ですと、ご希望を伺いながら、けれども、あれもこれもと詰め込みすぎず、バランスよくスケジュールを立ててご案内したいと思います。

J: わかりました。以上で終了です。

A: (日本人面接官に向かって)ありがとうございました。
(外国人面接官に向かって)Thank you very much for your time.



