
受講生7 女性


12010年12月5日 (会場:明治大学)





A: (ドアをノックして)Good afternoon. こんにちは。

J: こんにちは。

N: Good afternoon. Please put your bag on a chair and have a seat on the other. Could you tell me your name?

A: My name is ...

N: O.K. Now, could you tell me where I should go to enjoy autumn leaves in Japan?

A: Well, (名前を聞かれた後に”Where are you from?”等の導入質問がもう1つくらいあるのでは?と思いこんでいたので、急な展開に少し驚きながら) to see beautiful autumn leaves, it is necessary to check the timing of the peak season for the autumn leaves in the areas. The peak time should be different depending on the reasons.

N: (うなずく)

A: But if you can manage your schedule, I would like you to see the autumn leaves in Tohoku area. There are a lot of mountains in Tohoku area, and you can enjoy the autumn leaves in many places. Also the temperature drops sharply there when the season changes from summer to autumn, so the colors of the leaves are generally more beautiful there than other areas.

N: What do you mean by the relation between the color of the leaves and the temperature change?

A: Well, in the regions where it is cold during the winter, the temperature drops sharply when the summer season is over. When the gap between the highest temperature and the lowest temperature of a day is small, the intensity of the autumn leaves color is subtle. But when the difference is large, the colors are likely to be clear and intense.

N: (うなずいて、) By the way, where is Tohoku?

A: Oh, it’s northern part of Honshu, including Aomori Prefecture and Akita Prefecture. Do you know the term Honshu?

N: Yes, I know Honshu. Thank you. Then, can you tell me about the history of Kyoto?

A:(「京都の歴史」という質問があまりにザックリとしすぎているように感じてしまい、またまた少し驚きつつ…) Well, Kyoto has a long history. It became the capital in 794. Since then, it had been the capital for 1200 years. (本当はover 1000 yearsと言うべきでした) In the early period, Kyoto was developed with the strong aristocrats’ power and culture, and later, it remained the capital under the condition where the samurai warriors took power and founded the military government in Kamakura or Edo.

N: O.K. In Kyoto, where should I go to enjoy its culture or history?

A: Well, (またまたザックリとした質問で何を答えていいものか一瞬躊躇したので、質問に切り替えました。) is there anything you are particularly looking for? I mean, is there anything you are especially interested in, for example, buildings, artworks, or gardens?

N: I am interested in gardens.

A: Then, if you go to Kyoto, I would recommend you visit the Tenryuji temple in Sagano. Tenryuji has a beautiful stroll-type garden. As we talked about the autumn leaves previously, I would like to mention that you can enjoy beautiful autumn leaves there, too. The garden is also famous as the garden with the Shakkei(借景) technique. (「あ~! なんで「借景」だなんて余計なことを言ってしまったのだろう!」と後悔しましたが、すでに口をついて出てしまった言葉はもとにはもどせず、案の定…質問されました。)

N: Can you explain that technique?

A: It is a method of designing and building the garden. “Shakkei” literally means “borrowing scenery.” So, with this method, the background scenery of the garden, such as mountains, is incorporated into the layout of the garden.

N: I see. Then, what aspects of the Japanese culture would you like the foreign tourists to notice?

A: Well, I….would like the foreign tourists to notice the existence of nature in the Japanese culture. Japanese people have loved nature and co-existed with nature since the ancient times. Instead of trying to control the nature, they have appreciated it and incorporated it into their lives. Therefore, Japanese culture consists of a lot of nature elements.

N: Can you give me an example?

A: An example, let’s see… Oh, for example, when you look at Japanese ceramics, you may notice that the shapes or colors of Japanese ceramics are not well balanced or evenly painted while the ceramics of the western countries are usually in perfectly- balanced shape and evenly colored. But Japanese people are likely to feel that such irregular shaped works are beautiful because they can feel “nature” in the works.

N: I see. Thank you.

J: では、日本語で答えてください。もしガイドになったら、あなたはどんなツアーガイドになりたいですか。

A: (このような質問は英語で聞かれるものと思っていたので、またまた少し動揺してしまい、話す内容が整理できませんでした。) 私は、学生の頃はアメリカの文化が魅力的に思え、日本については退屈な国だと感じていました。しかし、二十代の前半に実際にアメリカに渡り、しばらくそこで暮らしているうちに、次第に「日本も独特で面白い国だ」と気付き、それ以来、日本の歴史や文化にも改めて興味を持ち始めました。そして、学べば学ぶほど、日本の魅力は増えていき、今では「私はこの国の大ファンだ」と言えます。もし私がツアーガイドになったら、私は、こんな私みたいな「日本ファン」をたくさん増やせるガイドになりたいと思います。また、常にオープンマインドでいることを忘れずに、いろんな価値観を持った人達と視点や概念を共有しながら「日本の魅力」を伝えられるガイドになれたらいいと思っています。

J: (うなずく。)

N: O.K. That’s all from us. Thank you very much.

A: Thank you very much. ありがとうございました。








