
受講生15 女性


試験会場名:東京(明治大学 和泉キャンパス)
受付9:00-9:259:30 全体説明後3階から5階の試験待合室へ、各試験場所の前で待機



A: Good morning.おはようございます。(笑顔で)

N&J: Good morning.(N:イギリス風50代の男性、J:笑顔がやさしい40代?の女性)

N:Please have a seat and you can put your bag on the chair.

A: Thank you.(2つのイスの右側のイスにバッグとコート、左側に座る、向かって左側にNの試験官がいたから)

J: Please tell me your name.

A:My name is .......


N: My hotel is in Hibiya. What is the best way from Narita?

A: well, I usually take Narita Express, but there is another way, limousine bus from the airport to Tokyo metropolitan area.

N: How much does it cost?

A: Narita Express, 3000yen, and bus...when I used it last time. It was 2800yen. (J うなずく)

N: How long does it take?

A: If you take Limousine bus, it takes about 70 or 80 minutes depends on traffic. (N&J うなずく) 

N: Train?

A: There is a new train from Shinbashi ? Nihonbashi(日暮里です)? To Narita airport, it takes about 40minutes.but Narita express, about …almost one hour.(N&Jうなずく)

N: Where Japan is located?

A: Uh... it is located on the north sphere, and in the east of Eurasia continent.

N: Sea around?

A: Yes, Pacific ocean in the west, and Japan Sea, east china sea on the west. (文法に自信がなかったので手振りで位置を示す.)(Jうなずいてくれてほっとする)

N: OK、When did Japanese first see guns in Japan?

A: I have learned about it in history. If I remember correctly, it was in 1543, an Portuguese ship wrecked near island Tanegashima in Japan water and I think that was the first time Japanese saw the guns. And the Japanese examined the guns and started to produce guns on their own. (なんとか膨らませようと付け足す、J うなずいてくれる)N:うなずく

N:What do Japanese people eat for breakfast?

A: Well generally, Rice, miso soup, seasoned omelette, and sea weed, but not mine.(Jうなずく)

N: What is yours?

A: Toast and coffee.(N:ちょっと笑う)

N:What industries are successful these days in Japan ?

A: Automobile companies, especially Toyota automobile company is. And these days Japanese sub culture is also successful. (Jうなずく)

N: About subculture, what about animation?

A: Yes, that has gained wide recognition, Miyazaki Hayao work won the Oscar. And Japanese animations are very popular all over the world. I was amazed Japanese animations are popular in the world. (J うなずく)

N: Any other?

A: Well Tokyo fashion, it is very popular among young people, they say Kawaii, cute.(ちょっと手振り)

N: I hear Uniqlo, please tell me aboutUniqlo.(なぜユニクロ~?)

A: It is fast- growing textile clothing company; it is famous for its high quality products at reasonable price(s). (N&J うなずく)

N: And the most successful industry?

A: I think automobile, Toyota company in Aichi prefecture, my home town is located from 40-50km from Toyota city.

N: Oh, How long does it take? What is the best way to go there?

A: It takes 1hours half by Hikari, but to Nagoya、Nozomi, it takes about 2 hours. I think Shinkansen is the best way.

N: I see.(下を見て)What do Japanese people do during the New Year holidays?

A: Usually first visit on the New Year holidays to shrines or temples, We eat OsechiRyori, NewYear’s dishes including shrimp, black beans, rolled kelp. Each ingredient has special meaning. (J うなずく) And yes, my favorite, Ozoni it consist of rice cake and vegetables in broth.(N&J うなずく)




(ここが肝心なのにだらだらと話してしまいJの顔の周りに??が浮かんでいるのがわかる。最後に付け足した「茶道で培ったおもてなしの心でもてなしたいです」で初めてうなずく (あ``~)」


N: Thank you! (この声がいやに元気がよくてかえって不安)

J:Thank you.

A:Thank you very much.ありがとうございました。(バッグとコートをもつ)

(退室の際 ダメ押しで再度)

A:Thak you very much.ありがとうございました。

N&J:Thank you!(最後までNの声はいやに元気がいい)

A: Have a nice day.(にっこり笑って)



初めての2次試験、捕虜収容所のような管理(入ったことないけど)に 盛り上がる緊張、直前まで心臓がバクバク聞こえました。(英検1級はもっとrelaxしていました)でも教室に入って挨拶をしたら、試験に集中できたので大丈夫でした。イギリス人風の試験官は発音もわかりやすく声の大きさもありましたし、私の回答が短いときは促すcueやfollow upの質問をしてくれたので、なんだか試験というよりふつうの会話をしている感じでした。流れを止めないよう文も2-3文でまとめました。というのも試験官の顔がそのくらいでOK、次に行こうという顔になりましたし、足りないときは関連した質問がありました。また日本人試験官もやさしい笑顔の方で私の回答毎にうなずいてくれたので心強かったです。(でもそれが採点にどのように反映するかはわかりません)終わった直後は「は~終わった」と満足感がありましたが、時間が経つにつれ、文法ミスや会話の運び、回答の質など「あーもっとこう言えばよかった」ということが次々と浮かび冷や汗をかきました。

