
<<一覧に戻る 通訳ガイド(通訳案内士)2次試験レポート

受講生7 男性




A: Hello. こんにちは。

N: Put your bag on the table.

A: Thank You.

J: What is your name and where do you live.

A: My name is___, and I live in ___.

N: Where is the best place to see the firework displays?

A: Sumidagawa river is the best place to see firework displays. Sumidagawa river runs through eastern part of Japan and it is held in  August. The place close to the river is the best place, but it can  also be seen from my house, where is 4 or 5km away from the river.

N: Where is the coolest place and hottest place in Japan?

A: Hokkaido is the coolest place. Hokkaido is the northern island of  Japan. And Okinawa is the hottest place in Japan. We can swim at the  beach in summer (当たり前だ)。In Hokkaido, it's very cold in winter.

 N: What is the winter activity in Hokkaido?

 A:  Skiing. A place called Niseko has a Australian village. Niseko is  a place 100km west of Sapporo, the capital of Hokkaido. It is famous  for the Powder Snow. Snow itself is very good. Australian people choose Niseko rather than Canada or Europe.

 N: What is the difference between Buddhism and Shinto?

A: Buddhism is originally from India and came to in 6th century., Shinto is native to Japan. Buddhism has one single ultimate God called  Buddha, on the other hand Shinto has multi deities. It is said Shinto  has 8 million Gods.

 N: Where is the God? (だったと思う)

A: 8 million Gods?

N: Yes.

A: 8 million Gods are everywhere, for example at kitchen table, there  is a god. We need always show our respect.

 N: What is the feature of Japanese harmony?

 A: この"Harmony"が試験中に唯一聞き取れなかった会話で、聞き直したらわかりました。
We have group harmony.  Back in history, we are basically rice-farming people. We need group  harmony among neighbors to have good harvest. I am a businessperson  and have a lot of chances to talk with western people. They are  individual and have individual responsibility. On the other hand, we  Japanese have group solidarity.

 N: What is the dancing in Obon period?

A: Obon is the period we believe the spirit of ancestors come back to this life, the period of mid August. Awa-Odori which happens in  Shikoku island is the biggest Obon dance festival.

 N: What is the problem of Japanese economy?  (??)

A: economyという単語が使われたのかどうか、質問をよく覚えていませんが、大学を卒業しても就職できない人がたくさんいるのが問題である、という用意していた答えを出そうとすぐ判断できる質問した。
 I am concerned about the situation many young people who graduated  college could not find a job. One-third of college graduates can't  find a job. To have a job, to pay tax, to have a family, to support aging society, this kind of simple life plan is difficult. I am  concerned about this.

 J: どんなことに留意してツアーを行いたいですか?





