
<<一覧に戻る 通訳ガイド(通訳案内士)2次試験レポート

受講生10 男性


試験官は、N: アメリカ人(?)男性(30代)、J: 日本人男性(50代)


A: (ドアをノックして)Good afternoon.

N: Good afternoon. Have a seat. What is your name?

A: My name is _______.

N: I'll ask you a few questions about Japan. Why don't Japanese use direct expression?

A:We, Japanese are more likely to put a priority on harmony, and try to avoid any conflict. For example, when I conduct job interview, even if I decide not to hire him, but I don't say "You're not suitable for our company", instead I would say, "After much consideration, I would tell you". So we tend to use hedge word.

N: Are there any change on working culture in Japan for past 50 year?

A: In the past, under seniority system, Japanese employee had much more loyalty to their company. So it was rare for Japanese to change their job. On the other hand, these days, more and more companies adopt both seniority and merit system. So Japanese employee are changing their company when they found more attractive company.

N: How about younger generation?

A: Younger generation put a more value on their private than job. In the past, it was difficult for employee to take a day off while colleagues are working. However, it became easier for younger generation to take a day off compared to the past.

N: Is tipping important in Japan?

A: No, there is no tipping culture here in Japan. Instead, we should say "Arigatougozaimsu" or "Thank you" to show your gratitude. That is more important in Japan.

N: Other than Mt. Fuji, are there any famous mountains in Japan?

A: How about Koyasan in Wakayama prefecture? Koyasan is associated with Shinto Shrine which provides accommodation. You can experience Shinto priest life style when you stay at Shinto Shrine in Koyasan.

J: 日本語で答えてください。通訳ガイドになったらどんな点にきをつけますか?

A: 一方的になるのではなく、相手のbackgroundも考慮していきたい。アメリカ人、ドイツ人、インド人、シンガポール人等々、それぞれの旅行者の国のことも勉強し、その情報を織り交ぜてガイドできるよう、一方的にならにように気をつけたい。

