
<<一覧に戻る 通訳ガイド(通訳案内士)2次試験レポート

受講生27 男性


13:00集合 14:40移動 14:50試験開始  試験時間は約8分(?)



A: Good afternoon.(ドアを開けながら)

N: Good afternoon. Have a seat.

J: What is your name?

A: My name is ……….

J: Where are you from?

A: I live in ……… city in …….. Prefecture.(出身地のことを聞いているはずはないと思い I live…と返した。)

N: Tell me about the geography of Japan.


A:The Japanese archipelago consists of four major islands. It is located east of the Eurasian continent and also in the west of the Pacific sea. Tokyo, the capital, belongs to the temperate zone which climate is moderate. However Japanese archipelago is narrow and long. The distance between Hokkaido and Okinawa is about 3,000KM. So the north is cold, south is hot.

N: Is Japan a flat country?


A: No I don’t think so. Two thirds of Japan is mountainous ranges.

N: I have one day-off in Hiroshima. What should I see?

A: My suggestion is to see two sights. Please visit Itsukushima Jinjya Shrine in Miyajima. This is a must-see.  Also there is an atomic bomb dome(原爆ドームの英語を知らないが、多分通じたと思う). Both are listed as World heritage sites. I think you can visit both in a single day.

N: What is the significance of a shrine?

A shrine is for Shinto. Shinto is the indigenous religion. Before Buddhism is introduced from China, Shinto was an only religion for us. We go to shrine on new year’s day and some ceremonies are held there. A shrine is still playing an important role in our society.

N: What is a foreign influence in daily life in Japan?


Most of our foods are from China. Many foreigners thought tofu is Japanese food, but it’s not our original.  Also Buddhism. It originated in India and it came to Japan via China.


J:(日本語で) ガイドとしてどのように親切な対応をしたいと思いますか?


A: まず何よりも事故なくツアーを終えるように、また、ツーリスト皆様の好奇心を満足させられますよう事前に十分勉強して臨みたい。なによりもfriendlyに対応したい。

N: I have one more question about sumo wrestler. Who is the greatest ex-grand champion?

A: (一つ前が日本語の質問だったので、それが最後と思いきや、突然の追加質問ですっかり気が動転してしまい、反射的に朝青龍と口に出してしまい、しまったと思ったが後の祭り。気が動転したま、朝青龍でフォロー) Asashoryu. He is a heel. He is unpopular as well as popular. However I liked him. In addition, his athletic ability!  I admire that.

N: Thank you very much.

A: (一礼して)Thank you very much. (部屋を出る際も軽く一礼した。)




