
<<一覧に戻る 通訳ガイド(通訳案内士)2次試験レポート

受講生3 女性




(N:ネイティブ面接官 J:日本人面接官 A:受験者)

A: (ドアをノックして)Good morning.

N, J: Good morning. How are you?

A: Pretty good…just like today's weather!

N: (笑顔で) Good. Sunshine and blue sky…

A: Yes. By the way, may I put my bag here and have a seat?

N: Yes, please.

J: So would you tell us your name, e-mail address and where do you live?  

A: My name is ______and my e-mail address is_________. I live in ________.

N: (前置き無く、いきなり)OK. So how do you celebrate Christmas?

A: We celebrate Christmas as a festival or a seasonal event, with less religious meaning. Since many Japanese believe Sinto or Buddhism, and the number of Christian is very small, so that's why we do so. For example, we decorate Christmas trees, or exchange gifts between family members or friends. (文化背景の説明の後、具体例を挙げた)

N: I've heard that in Edo era, Tokugawa government had strong power. Would you show me examples and how did affect people?

A: Yes, as you said Tokugawa government had strong power for ruling the country. They had some strict policies which affected people in many ways:
One is for feudal lords. They had to come and back between their home and Edo every other year. (参勤交代の説明) The other is national isolation policy. From the middle of 17th C to the middle of 19th C (during 200 years) the government accepted national isolation policy under the strict rule for trading with foreign countries.(鎖国の説明)

N: Sure. So which age do you like the best in Japanese history?

A: I like the Edo period the best. As I said before, there was national isolation policy at that time. Thanks to such policy, we could have very unique culture. For example, a traditional stage art called Kabuki, or wood block printings as Ukiyoe.

J: 最後に日本語で質問します。もしあなたがガイドになったら、どんな所に気をつけてお客様をおもてなししますか。

A: もし私がガイドになりましたら、次の2点を特に心がけたいと思います。ひとつは、ゲストが安全に無理なく旅行できるよう、旅程の管理などに配慮します。もうひとつは、ゲストに旅行を楽しんで頂くことです。例えば歌や踊りをご紹介する時は、自ら率先して例を示し、エンターティナーになりたいです。(歌や踊りの部分はジェスチャーつき)

J: 以上で試験は終わりです。お疲れ様でした。

A: ありがとうございました。Thank you very much. (会釈して退出)




