
<<一覧に戻る 通訳ガイド(通訳案内士)2次試験レポート

受講生4 男性




(N:ネイティブ面接官 J:日本人面接官 A:受験者)

J: (ドアを開けてきて)こんにちは、お入りください。

A: こんにちは、失礼します。(Nに向けて)Good afternoon.

N:   Good afternoon. Put your bag there and have a seat.

A: Thank you.

J: What is your name?

A: My name is _______.

J: Where do you live?

A: I live in _____ward, Tokyo.

J: I see.

N: Let me ask you a few questions about Japan. There are a lot of mountains in Japan. Please explain one of them besides Mt. Fuji.

A: There is a mountain called Aso, located in Kumamoto, Kyusyu, in the southern part of Japan. It is a volcano, erupted a couple of years ago, and ashes were around some areas.

N: How about northern parts of Japan, Tohoku or Hokkaido?

A: Yes, actually I'm originally from Hokkaido. In Hokkaido there are a lot of mountains, and in the middle there is Taisetsuzan mountain ranges. The highest mountain there called Mt. Asahi, is very sharp shape and good place to climb.

N: There are so many mountains in Japan. How does it affect Japan?

A: Yes, Japan is stretching from north and south, and mountains are in each area. Actually about 70 percent of the total land of Japan is covered by mountains and greenery. This affects the weather of Japan. Along the Sea of Japan we have a lot of snow because monsoons from west strike the mountains and drop moisture and snow along the Sea of Japan, and this side Kanto, and Shizuoka, we have no snow and it's very dry and cold in winter.

N: Next question. Japanese people don't give tips on taxi or at a hotel. Why?

A: Well, it is because we don’t have a custom of tipping like the United States. It is our nature to take care of others without requesting tips. It is part of our nature.

N: How did Japan modernize quickly?

A: After Japan had been beaten in World War II, Japan needed to introduce western technology like train systems to recover the situation and economy. That's why Japan could quickly modernize.

N: How did Japan change over the past 50 years?

A: In terms of Japanese companies, employees used to work for a long time in one company, but today many workers are forced to work part time or as a temporary worker.

N: What do you think of this situation?

A: Under the current economic recession, using temporary workers help companies to cut costs. But considering the situation of temporary workers, companies should give more benefits like insurance and welfare support.

N: So you think it is negative.

A: Yes, I think so.

N: Thank you. That's all from me.

J: ありがとうございます。では最後に日本語で質問しますので、日本語でお答えください。通訳ガイドにとって大切なことは何ですか。


J: ありがとうございます。以上で試験は終了になります。ありがとうございました。

A: Thank you very much.

