
<<一覧に戻る 通訳ガイド(通訳案内士)2次試験レポート

受講生15 女性


会場:日本交流基金 日本語国際センター@北浦和
試験官は、N: アメリカ人(?)男性(40代)、J: 日本人男性(50代?)の2名。


N: (N試験官がドアを開けて出てくる)Good morning. Please come in. Have a seat. What is your name?

A: My name is____________.

J: Where do you live?

A: I live in Kawasaki-city, Kanagawa prefecture.

N: I see. How long did it take you to get here?

A: About 1 hr 30 min door-to-door. It was my first time to come here and I was quite nervous if I'd get here on time. I was thinking, I really should have practiced coming here yesterday.

N: Yes, I understand that feeling. Okay, so let me ask you a few questions. I’m a tourist and you're a tour guide.

A: Yes, sure!

N: I would like to go to a beach. Where do you recommend?

A: From here? (東京の近郊で?という意味で)

N: Yes.

A: From here, I’d recommend the Enoshima beach in Kanagawa prefecture. From Tokyo, you can take a train to Kamakura station and there change to the Enoden local train to Enoshima.(藤沢乗換の方が楽だったかもしれない)The whole trip will take about 1 hr 30 min. We call Enoden “scenic view train” (とイギリス人の知人が言っていた) because it runs along the coast and you can enjoy the beautiful view of the ocean. You can go up the view tower on the Enoshima island. It’s also close to the old capital of Kamakura, so maybe you can visit a temple or two there.

N: How about scuba diving? I’d like to go diving.

A: You can go scuba diving in Zushi, which is close to Enoshima. (scuba divingはやったことないが、当てずっぽうで答えた。今思い起こしてみると、逗子と言ったつもりが伊豆と言い間違えたかもしれない。まぁいいや。)

N: Any other places you recommend?

A: I hear there are some good scuba diving spots in Chiba prefecture. (これもよく知らないが、千葉によくサーフィングに行く友達がいるので、ダイビングもできるだろうと。)

N:   Okay, next question. I hear many people go climb the Mt. Fuji. Why is it so popular?

A: Well, initially, it started out as a form of mountain worshipping, because you know, Japanese people love and respect the nature. But now, trekking is regaining popularity in Japan, especially among the young people. I think climbing Mt. Fuji is something many people want to do at least once in a lifetime.

N: Have you ever done it?

A: Yes, I did!

N: Wow, how was it? When did you go?


A: It was splendid! We were blessed with wonderful weather. We went about 3 years ago… I think it was early September.

N: September? So it wasn’t too crowded?

A: Hmm, it was still pretty crowded. There was some congestion towards the top.

N: Oh, you had to wait in line…, so it wasn’t so enjoyable?

A: No no no, I really enjoyed it! It was a wonderful experience.

N: Did you stay at a mountain lodge? (yes) Which one did you stay?

A: Hmm, I don’t remember which one, but somewhere between the 7th and 8th station.

N: How was it? Which one do you recommend?

A: Honestly speaking, I don’t recommend staying at a hut…(ちょっと躊躇)

N: Oh why is that?

A: Well, I shouldn’t say anything negative in the interview, I mean, as a tour guide, right?

N: It’s okay. I want to hear your honest opinion! (笑顔で)

A: Well, first of all, staying at a mountain lodge is expensive, something like 9,000 or 10,000 yen. You are only there for several hours. And the food isn’t very good and the sleeping space is quite limit, packed like a can of sardines. And I remember, when I was there, there was a boy next to us who was ill and throwing up because of the high altitude.

N: Oh no, high-altitude sickness!

A: Yes. So I decided, next time, I am not going to stay at a hut. Instead, I am going to start in the afternoon and try to get to the top around 3 or 4 in the morning before the sunrise. I’d recommend you do that, too. (今思えば富士山では自炊はできないので、温かい食事を取るためだけでも山小屋を利用できると説明すればよかった。あとは、山小屋を利用するかしないかは体力と要相談という点。)

N: Okay, thanks.


A: そうですね。まずは、一期一会の精神を大切にして、私にとってはいつでも行けるような場所でも、お客様にとっては一生に一度しか見られない光景・体験であるかもしれないということを忘れず、できるだけお客様の希望にこたえるよう努力したいと思います。それから、私自身、海外旅行をした時に一番楽しかった、記憶に残っている思い出は、市場などに行って地元の人と交流したりしたことですので、通訳として、地元の人々とのコミュニケーションの橋渡し役になりたいと思います。(日本人試験官、笑顔でうなずく)

N: (なぜかとても元気に)Okay, last question! 3 seconds!! (で短く答えてという意味)Why do you want to be a tour guide?

A: Because I love travelling and I want to be a bridge of international understanding.(こっちも元気に)

N: Very good!!(満面の笑顔で)

A:  Thank you very much. ありがとうございました。(日本人の試験官にもお礼)


終始にこやかな雰囲気で、2人の面接官とのeye contactも自然に、面接を受けることができたと思います。どんな知識問題でも答えられるようにと、英語の日本観光ガイドブックを熟読したり、「新・英語で語る日本事情」を二度読んだり、CELの二次試験対策コースと直前のmock interviewsの復習をしたりと、日本史・文化・伝統芸能の勉強をしっかりして挑んだのに、正直、「え?質問これだけ?」といった感じでした。会場で会ったCELのクラスメートも質問内容は同様にあっけないものだったと言っていたので、今年は一次試験が難しく合格者が減った分、二次試験は簡単に・・・という意向があるのかな?という気がしました。

