
<<一覧に戻る 通訳ガイド(通訳案内士)2次試験レポート

受講生24 男性


試験官: N: イギリス人(?)男性(30代)、J:日本人男性(40代)


A: Good afternoon.

J: Please sit down. What is your name?

A: My name is ________.

N: I'll ask you the first question. Why is Japan called a mountainous country?

A:Japan is called a mountainous country, because it is a volcanic country. 10~20% of volcanoes are said to be located in this country. So we have a lot of mountains. But since we have a lot of volcanoes, we have a lot of hot springs in this country and it is good for visitors to Japan.

N: Then which mountain do you recommend for me to go?

A: I would recommend Mt. Fuji, because it is said to be a symbol of Japan and it is very beautiful. Some Ukiyoe painters draw Mt. Fuji and they are very beautiful.

N: Why is it said to be impolite to say something directly to Japanese?

A: Could you say that again?

N: Sure, sure. Why・・・・?

A: That is because Japanese people usually put emphasis on harmony of the group. Japanese are group-oriented citizens. If you say something directly to someone it might hurt that person, so in order to avoid it, we tend to say indirectly.

N: Do you think it is changing these days?

A: Some people say it is changing but personally I don't think so. The reason why I say so is because recently we have a word called "KY". In English it means "Read between the lines". Young people put emphasis on KY, so I think the situation is not changing.

N: How have the workers changed in the past 50 years?

A: You mean the lifestyle?

N: Yes.

A: After WW, after graduating college students tend to enter large corporations, because during the rapid economic growth, it was safe to enter large companies. But today as you may know, population is decreasing and situation is changing. So people tend to change their jobs.

N: So actually what is changing?

A: During rapid growth era, the more they worked hard, the better salary they could get. So people worked until late at night and had a lot of overwork. But today, the situation is changing and people tend to put emphasis on their private lives.

J: 日本語で質問です。どのような点に気をつけて親切にガイドしますか?

A: 親切にですか?

J: はい。

A: その方がどこの国から来られて、どの程度日本の知識をお持ちなのかを確認し、その方の目線に合わせた知識を提供していきたいです。

J: 具体的には?

A: 新幹線で京都に行く時などは、これまで無事故なこと、時間が正確なことを伝え、日本人の職人気質が高い技術力につながっていることなどを説明してあげます。(的外れ)

J: これで終了です。

A: Thank you very much. ありがとうございました。



