
<<一覧に戻る 通訳ガイド(通訳案内士)2次試験レポート

受講生25 女性




A: Good morning. おはようございます。

N: May I have your name?

A: ______________.

N: Where are you from?

A:I'm currently live in Musashino-city. I'm originally from Yokohama-city. I also have lived in Nagano for 7 years. Both Yokohama and Nagano are like my home town.

N: Besides the "Biwa" Lake, what would you recommend the other Lake?

A: I would recommend Towada Lake in Aomori prefecture. It can be reached within 3~4 hours from Tokyo. You can enjoy colorful autumn leaves in autumn. And beautiful greenery in May and June. (ここから奥入瀬渓流の話をしようとして、名前が思い出せずやめました)

N:  How would you explain about transportation system in Japan for foreigners?

A: If you would like to go to for destination such as Hokkaido and Okinawa, air plane would be convenient. But the bullet train and local train transportation system are well developed. Osaka can be reached from Tokyo within 3 hours.

N: How is "kindness" important for Japanese society?

A: We put importance on kindness to maintain harmony. For example, young people sitting on the train, the elder people get on the train, young people give their seat t to elderly people. It is a common situation in Japan.

N: Why do Japanese people read newspaper so much?

A: News media, newspaper and TV station have great influences on Japanese society. because there are many disaster in Japan. Typhoon, earthquake, and Tsunami. We need new media for daily life in Japan.

N: (さらに聞いてきた) But so many people read newspaper in Japan. In my understanding, the number of people reading newspaper is declining because young people read news through the Internet.

J: (日本語) ガイドになったら何を大切にしますか?

A: ニューヨークに行ってバスガイドツアーに参加した時、ガイドの方のお話が楽しくて印象に残りました。ガイドはその街の国の印象を決める大切な要素だと思います。日本にも良い印象を持って帰ってもらうためにもHospitalityを持ってガイドに望みたいと思います。

