
<<一覧に戻る 通訳ガイド(通訳案内士)2次試験レポート

受講生27 女性


試験官は、N: 英国人?女性(50代?)、J: 日本人男性(40代?)の2名。


A: (ドアをノックして)Good morning.

J: Good morning. Please put your bag on the seat or the desk and sit down.

A: Thank you.

J: What is your name?

A: My name is ________.

J: Did you get up early this morning?

A: Yes. I got up earlier than usual.

J: What time did you get up?

A: I got up at 6:30. I don't usually get up at 6:30 on Sunday.

J: I see.

N: Thank you for coming today. First I'd like to ask you about Japanese history. I heard that the Meiji period is the time of enlightenment. Could you explain about that?

A: (enlightenmentの単語にひっかかってしまい―――悟りという意味しか知らなかったので―――一気に緊張がピークに。意味を解釈できないながらも、明るいイメージの事だろうと推測。それでも、どう答えたら良いかわからず、とっさに鎖国の話を始めてしまいました)In the Edo period - before the Meiji period, Japan had a national Isolation policy. Japan didn't communicate with foreign countries. No import, no export…(と言ったあとで、質問の回答とのずれを感じ、でも明瞭な答えが思い浮かばず、つまってしまいました)

N:   If I were in the Meiji period, what would I see in the town? For example, any food ? (のような助け船を出してくださいました)

A:  (緊張のため更にしどろもどろに)Japan opened the door to foreign countries at that time, so you can see enlightenment in the Meiji period….but I can't give a good example about that…

N: OK. Next I'd like to ask you about lake. Please tell me about Lake Biwa.Have you been there?

A: Unfortunately, not yet. Lake Biwa is the largest lake in Japan. It is located in Shiga prefecture.

N: How long does it take from Tokyo?

A: I think it takes about 2 hours if you get on the Shinkansen, the bullet train, the fastest train in Japan.

N: Which lake would you recommend in Japan?

A: (なぜかとっさに)I would recommend you lake Mashu in Hokkaido. It is far from Tokyo, but Lake Mashu is famous for fog and that arouse mysterious atmosphere. It's a must-see.

N: I see. Did you visit there?

A: Yes. Long time ago. But actually when I went there I couldn't see any fog. It was clear.

N: (少し笑顔で)So you saw beautiful scenery, right?

A: Yes.

N: Next question is… could you tell me about a history of computer games or video games?

A: (想定外の質問に、聞き返した後で) Well, let me see..

N: Do you play computer games?

A: No. When I was a child, sometimes I played but now I don't. I think in 1970's or 1980's some company developed computer games. (そこで話を膨らますことができずに)Nowadays many young people enjoy playing computer games on mobile phones.

J: ありがとうございます。ここからは日本語で質問しますので日本語でお答えください。あなたが通訳ガイドになったら何に気を付けたいですか?

A: 旅行が好きでたまに海外に行くのですが、現地のガイドさんによってその国の印象や滞在の楽しさも変わる気がします。ですので、もし私が通訳ガイドになれたら、お客様のニーズにできる限りおこたえしながら、おもてなしの心を忘れずに楽しい滞在になるお手伝いができれば、と思います。そしてまた日本に来たいと思っていただければと思います。

J:  ありがとうございます。これで試験は終了です。お疲れ様でした。

A:  ありがとうございました。Thank you very much.(外国人面接官に)

N: Have a great day.

A: You too.

部屋を出る際に、再度 Thank you very much. と、ありがとうございました。とそれぞれの面接官の方に言いました。



