
<<一覧に戻る 通訳ガイド(通訳案内士)2次試験レポート





A: (ドアが開いて呼ばれて)Good morning.
J:Good morning. Have a seat. What is your name?
A:My name is ...
J:では試験を始めます。ペンと紙でメモを取ってもらっても結構です。 問題は一度だけ読みます。読み終わったらすぐ通訳してください。

    日本は 山が多い 海に囲まれた国です。 日本には 火山帯が7つあります。 川幅は狭く、流れは速いです。 川が海に入るところに平野があります。

A: Japan is mountainous…..(メモが読めず) Japan has seven volcanic belts. Japanese river is narrow and flow fast. The plain is where the river enter into the sea. Thank you.


AMy topic is Ryokan. Ryokan is the Japanese traditional style inn.Ryokan usually have a tatami-matted room.Tatami-matted room usually has a paper sliding door called Fusuma and also an alcove. There you can usually find a hanging scrooll and flower arrangement. Ryokan staff spread out futon for bedding and store away in the built-in closet called oshiire. Ryokan is usually located in the beautiful country side. Ryokan usually has hot spring bath. Soaking in the hot spring water will release your fatigue and stress. If you do not want to share the bath with the others, some Ryokan has a small private bath. Please confirm advance reservation is necessary. In addition, Ryokan fare usually include two meals.(合図) Please enjoy Ryokan.(あまり細部は覚えていません)

N:You've mentioned Ryokan fee? include two meals. Will you explain a little bit about meals.
A:At breakfast Ryokan usually serves cooked rice, miso soup, a grilled fish and sometimes yudoufu, simmered soy-bean curd. At dinner, a multi-course Japanese food is usually served. A sliced raw fish, marinated vegetables, grilled fish and cooked rice, miso soup and so on.

N:Ryokan seems so expensive.
A: If you want to save the cost, there is a family-run inn called Minshuku. Minshuku's service is limited, but you can enjoy home-made dish and some Ryokan offer the local specialities.
N: O.K. Thank you very much. (ここでJが会釈で試験終了の合図。)
A:Thank you very much. (部屋を出るとき会釈して「ありがとうございました。」と述べた。)






