
<<一覧に戻る 通訳ガイド(通訳案内士)2次試験レポート




16:00頃1階集合場所から大講堂に移動 16:20分頃 小待合室に移動 16:40頃本番
Native(20代女性) 日本人(40代男性)


A:(ドアをノックして)Good afternoon.
N&J :Good afternoon.
N: Please have a seat and put your bag on the chair.
A: Thank you.
N or J: May I have your name?
A: I am_____.
A: はい。分かりました。お願い致します。
N: Please use a pen . You can take a note on that sheet.
A: Thank you very much.
A: Well…. OK. “Ukiyoe is a genre-style of painting developed during the Edo period from 1603 to 1867 among the common people. Most works were mainly woodblock printings by way of printing techniques, causing mass production. “Ukiyoe” had a great impact on Van Gogh, Impressionist.
(ネイティブの女性はにこにこ聴いているが、日本人男性はやたらと首をひねりながら聴いている。私の通訳によっぽど問題があるのかしらと不安になったが、笑顔でThat’s all, thank you.とほほ笑む。)
A: Let me talk about “Edo.” Edo is the old name of Tokyo. Edo developed during the Edo period, from 1603 to 1867. It was a million city such as Paris and London. During the Edo period, domestic cultures such as Ukiyoe, wood block printing, Kabuki, traditional theatrical drama and so on were developed. After Meiji Restoration of 1868, economic, political and educational systems in Edo were drastically changed.
J:はい、あと1分です。 (まずい!話が明治に逸れてしまった。軌道修正をしないといけない。)
A: Edo had an excellent eco-system. For example, rain water was used for agriculture and recycling system was superb(excellentと言ったかも). That’s all. Thank you.
N: Thank you. Next, I would like to ask a few questions.
A: Sure. Please.
N: You mentioned Edo was a million town or city. What was the population of town of Edo before the Edo period?
A: Let me see, are you asking about exact number of population in Edo before in the Edo period?
N:I’m interested in how Edo became a major town.
A: Actually, Edo was a very lonesome place before the Edo period. So population was less of one million.
I’m interested in how Edo became a major town. の後、つぶやいていたと思う。ヒントを出してくれていたのだ。
N:Thank you. Well. Next question is ……Does Edo have some meaning?
A: You mean the word “Edo”…?
A: “E” Kanji character of “Edo”means the waterfront and “do” or “to” means gateway.
N: I see. So it means the gateway of the waterfront?(gateway to the worldにも聞こえたが、確認しなかった。Worldなら鎖国の話につなげるきっかけを提供してくれたのかもしれない。)
A: Yes
N:Thank you.
A: ありがとうございました。Thank you very much.




