
<<一覧に戻る 通訳ガイド(通訳案内士)2次試験レポート





A: Good morning.

J: Good morning. Have a seat.

J: What is your name?

A: I am________.

J: What is your number?

A: ________.


「東京の秋葉原は家電製品を販売する日本最大の街です。600もの家電販売専門店が存在しています。ここには国の内外から観光客が訪れます。 (もう一つ文章があったと思う) また、女性がメイドの格好で接客をするメイドカフェも人気です。」

A: Ah…ah…Akihabara city of Tokyo …ah…is the biggest city…of, of Japan…ah…for selling home appliances. (うわあ、どうしちゃったんだ。緊張のせいで言葉が出てこない。CELのインテンシブ・コースではこんな事なかったのに。それに秋葉原は市じゃないし。) Ah…there are…ah…600…exclusive home appliance shops. (ここはshops specialized for home appliancesだろう。だんだん試験官達の顔が曇って来た。) Tourists …visits…ah…from domestic and foreign. (文法も構文もメチャクチャになってきた。もう一つ何か文章を訳した気がするが頭の中が真っ白だったので何も覚えていない。あるいは訳落ちしたかも。) And maid-café… ah… where …ah…female person clad in…ah…maid clothes…ah…serves …ah…guests…ah…like a servant is …ah…also popular. Thank you.


N: Well. Which one did you choose?

A: My choice is about Japanese religion.
Foreign people might think the Japanese are polytheistic. That's because of the Japanese religion. Shintoism is the indigenous Japanese religion, which is polytheistic. It is based on the worship of deities of nature. The characteristic of this is showed in festivals in which people show their thanks for the harvest to nature.
Buddhism was introduced to Japan from China in the 6th century. Buddhism played a complementary role. As Japanese indigenous religion Shintoism didn't have any teaching, Buddhism also prevailed among people. ( Buddhismにはteachingsがあるともう一言補うべきだったかも。)
And Christianity was introduced to Japan in the 16th century.

N: OK.  Let me ask you a few questions. Are there any obstacles for having a religion in Japan?

A: No. Every religion is free to follow in today's Japan.

N: Were there any animosity among those religions?

A: No. They co-existed very peacefully, though Christianity was banned by the shogunate――the government――from the middle age until the modern period.

N: Do ordinary households have something to pray for?

A: Many households have a Shinto altar or a Buddhist altar.

N: How are they like ? Is there any difference between them?

A: Well, a Buddhist altar has a statue of Buddha inside. A Shinto altar is more house-like shape, made of wood and paper.

N: Oh, good…How tall are they?

(外国人試験官が質問を終えない内に、日本人試験官からここで試験終了の合図。外国人試験官もすぐに引き下がった。 自分は促されるまま笑顔でThank you very much.と言って部屋を出た。去り際、咄嗟に最後の質問に答えてしまえば良かったとも思ったが、もはや後の祭り。)

以上です。自分の発言は文法的におかしい所が多々ありますが、実際こんなものだったのでそのまま載せました。 外国人試験官の質問でおかしい所があればそれは自分の聞き間違いです。


