
<<一覧に戻る 通訳ガイド(通訳案内士)2次試験レポート




(2) 試験官の性別、推定年齢、(外国人面接官はアクセントから判断して)国籍


(3) 自己紹介等のウオーミングアップのやり取り

J: Thank you for waiting. Put your coat and bags here. Please have a seat.
: That’s OK. Thank you. Good afternoon!
: Good afternoon. J: How are you doing?
: I’m very fine, thank you and you?
: Good, and where did you come from?
A: I live in ______district, Tokyo.
: How long does it take to get here?
: About 30 minutes or so.
: Oh, not so far.
: Yes, not so far.
: We’re a grandchild and grandmother.
A: Wow! You’re a nice couple!

(4) 通訳の日本文


(5) 英語訳の再現

In Japan, we have 2 types of phonetic letters or signs called Hiragana and Katakana. They are based on Kanji characters. Kanji characters were introduced into Japan from China during about the 2nd or 3rd centuries. They are created by using parts of Kanji characters or XXXXXXXXXX.
【最初の phonetic symbols が出てこなくて、lettersとかsigns とか、いろいろ言い替えてしまいました。最後の簡略化simplifyが思い出せず、easyをなんとか動詞で使えないか、あれこれ口に出して言っているうちに時間になってしまいました。江口先生の日本事情コースVer.4、をきちんと復習していれば、なんの問題もなかったのに、不十分で悔しいです】

(6) プレゼンテーションの3つのトピック


(7) 選択したトピック


(8) プレゼンテーションの再現

I’d like to talk about Hokuriku-Shinkansen. Shinkansen, or the bullet train is a well-developed transportation network system in Japan. They are very punctual and arrive on time. They run more than 200km/h. We have no fatal passenger emergencies and no big vehicle malfunctions. Now we have 8 lines (bullet trains と言ってしまったかもしれません) throughout Japan. Hokuriku-Shinkansen is one of them. From Tokyo, Tokyo faces on the Pacific Ocean coast, it takes you to the other side of Japan, such as Nagano or Niigata within about 2 hours.
Now we are in winter, they have a lot of snow, and you can enjoy playing winter sports there, like skiing, if you like. Also, they have a lot of nature, and hot spring resorts. In the hot spring resorts, there’re several traditional Japanese-style inns called ryokan. They usually have out-door bathes called rotenburo. At rotenburo, you can relax and enjoy outside scenery in the snow.
J: はい、時間です。
A:~ Thank you,

(9) Q&Aのやり取りの再現

N: You said, a lot of snow, right? Does snow disrupt bullet trains? 
A: No, because a lot of people take care of the train. There might be a little bit delay, but you don’t need to worry (be afraid of と言ってしまったかもしれません)about it.
N: On the other side of Japan, what can I enjoy? 
A: We face the Sea of Japan. It is winter now, so along the sea coast, we can enjoy fresh delicious seafood. 
N: Are there any rules at ryokan? 
A: Yes, at the entrance of ryokan, you need to take off your shoes, then staff members show you to the room, the room is tatami-matted, breakfast and dinner are served at your room, a cotton casual Japanese kimono called yukata is served(offerですよね),and ~ 
: はい、時間です。お疲れさまでした。
A: Really, thank you, I really enjoyed the interview very much.

(10) 日本語での質疑応答の有無


(11) 試験終了後のやり取り

J: It’s cold and dark outside, so take care!
: Thank you! You,too.

(12) 終了後、退出してから解散までの手順


(13) 全体を通しての感想など


試験前の曽根先生からの激励メール、とても励みになりました。CELの先生方、江口先生、曽根先生、Dun先生ほかcommunication skill-up class の先生方 そして田中さん、皆さんに助けられてここまで来ることができました。これまで教えていただいたことは、試験の合否にかかわらず、すべて今後に役立てます。ありがとうございました。このレポートが来年の試験に少しでも役立てば嬉しいです。


