




14:30-14:55 集合で大きな部屋に集合 (この時間帯に受付を済ませるよう事前のハガキに指示有。)受付時に渡された番号順に着席。
15:00  注意事項説明。
15:10  係の指示に従って、別室に移動し、番号順に着席。ホワイトボードの注意事項:通信機器の使用は不可。電子を含む辞書は使用可。ドリンクのみ可。トイレに行くときは挙手して係員が同行。 携帯を持っていないことを確認されていました。
15:20 番号を呼ばれた人(10人ぐらいの単位)が順次退室。各面接部屋前に移動。
15:35 私も番号を呼ばれ、他の10人ぐらいと一緒に係員に従って各面接部屋前に移動。扉の手前に椅子が二脚あり、そこに座るよう指示される。着席すると息つく間もなく、すぐに扉の中から日本人試験官が出てきて、入室するよう案内される。
J: どうぞお入りください。
A: こんにちは。失礼致します。(入室)
A: Good afternoon.
N: Good afternoon.
A:May I put my bags here?
N: Sure.
A: Thank you. (着席)

(2) 試験官の性別、推定年齢、(外国人面接官はアクセントから判断して)国籍


(3) 自己紹介等のウオーミングアップのやり取り

J: お名前と生年月日を日本語で言ってください。
A: _____です。生年月日は19○○年△月□日です。
J: これから私が日本語で話す文章を聞いて英語に訳してください。文章は一度しか読まれません。ただし横に置いてある紙と筆記用具を使ってメモをとっても構いません。通訳は一分程度でお願いします。それでは始めます。

(4) 通訳の日本文


(5) 英語訳の再現

In Aomori prefecture, apple production is popular. It is because apples can grow even in cold winter in Aomori. As the consumers want the apples to be sweeter and juicier, there have been many improvements of the species. Now there are many brands of apples.

(6) プレゼンテーションの3つのトピック

1.高山祭 2.殺陣 3.東海道五十三次

(7) 選択したトピック


(8) プレゼンテーションの再現

Tokaido Goju-san Tsugi is a story of two Japanese men who traveled 53 cities or towns in Japan in the Edo Period. The story is famous as a form of a series of 53 woodblock printings. Woodblock printing was very popular at that time. As the government took seclusion policy during the Edo period, culture very unique to Japan flourished then. Woodblock printing was one of them.
Speaking of woodblock printings, some impressionist artist in Europe were influenced by them. Artists like Claude Monet and Vincent van Gogh were influenced by woodblock printings. During the Edo period, wood block printings were mass-produced and used to wrap items that are exported to the western countries. In this way, those artists knew the Japanese woodblock printings and found them attractive. So, the woodblock printings were used like old newspapers back then. But now, these beautiful printings are treasured by people.
That’s all, thank you.
N: OK. I forgot to set the timer but I think it’s about time.

(9) Q&Aのやり取りの再現

N: What is Tokaido Gojusan-tsugi actually? Is it a road?
A: Yes, it is a road that connects the city of Tokyo, which was Edo back then, and Osaka.(両手を大きく広げて東京・大阪・東海道を表現) Along this street, there were 53 stops(右手で自分の前の空間を刻む。左から右へ。), and each stop flourished as a town of post station city.
N: How was this street used? For business? For commuting?
A: Well, Edo was the capital of Japan, and Osaka was also a big city, the second largest city in Japan. So people wanted to send letters and other stuff from Tokyo to Osaka, or the otherwise.
N: Why were these 53 cities in these places? Are there any reasons?
A: I guess they flourished in these places because these places were easy to access, not too mountainous, or the weather was not too bad.
N: Whose artwork is Tokaido Gojusan-tsugi? Who made it?
A: Yes, I should have mentioned this earlier, sorry. It was made by Utagawa Hiroshige, a very famous Japanese artist.
N: What kind of woodblock printings did Hiroshige make besides Tokaido Gojusan-tsugi?
A: Besides Tokaido Gojusan-tsugi, he drew kabuki actors, beautiful geisha ladies, and beautiful scenery of Japan.
N: Is there any famous artist of woodblock printing other than Hiroshige?
A: Yes. Katsushika Hokusai is another famous woodblock printing artist. He is famous for his artworks of Mt. Fuji.(両手で山の形を表現) He drew Mt. Fuji from 36 different places in Japan. The series is very popular.
N: Which one is more popular, Hiroshige or Hokusai? I’m curious.
A: Both of them are very popular, but I think Hokusai is. I think so because when there was an exhibition of Hokusai in Ueno last year, there was a LOOOONG (両手全開)line in front of the museum and it was so hard to get in.
N: I see, that’s interesting. I’m personally interested in art and designs so this is fun. I wish I could chat more but I think it’s about time. Sorry I forgot to set the timer again. (爆笑)
J: (苦笑)
A: (爆笑)It’s OK! I enjoyed it, too! Thank you!

(10) 日本語での質疑応答の有無


(11) 試験終了後のやり取り

J:  はい、これで試験は終了です。お疲れ様でした。
A: ありがとうございました。(起立)Thank you very much for your time.
N: Thank you.
A: Thank you very much.
N: Have a nice evening!
A: You, too! Thank you!

(12) 終了後、退出してから解散までの手順


(13) 全体を通しての感想など


