



(1) 試験会場到着から試験室入室までの手順

15:30-15:55 集合で大きな部屋に集合 (この時間帯に受付を済ませるよう事前のハガキに指示有。)4階の講堂のような大きな教室、番号順に着席。(どの部屋にも時計はありませんでした。係の人の腕時計で時間を測っていました。)
黒板の注意事項:通信機器の使用は×。電子を含む辞書は使用可。ドリンクのみ可。トイレに行くときは挙手して係員が同行。 携帯を持っていないことを確認されていました。 試験時間=11分程度(受験要項には「試験時間は10分程度」とありますが、今回は「11分程度」で行います。と説明がありました)
番号を呼ばれた人(10人ぐらいの単位)が1フロアー下の階に移動。小教室で着席して待つ。 同じ時間帯、同じ教室で4人が受験。私は4番目でした。
順番が来ると日本人面接官の方がドアを開けてくださり、“Please come in.”と言われる。
受験者側に椅子が2脚+メモ用紙置くための椅子。外国人面接官の方が“Have a seat, please”と言われる。荷物は横の椅子の上に置く。

(2) 試験官の性別、推定年齢、(外国人面接官はアクセントから判断して)国籍

(3) 自己紹介等のウオーミングアップのやり取り
J: May I have your name, and the city you live in?
私:OK. I am _____, and I live in _______.

(4) プレゼンテーションの3つのトピック

1.杉玉 2.賽銭箱 3.もんじゃ焼き
(5) 選択したトピック

(6) プレゼンテーションの再現

I’m going to talk about “saisenbako”. It’s a donation box. You can see saisenbako in shrines or temples, in front of the place you make a wish.
People put, or throw coins and bills into the box when they make a wish.
How much money should we put in? It depends, but popular number is 5. Five is “go” in Japanese, and 5-yen is “goen”. “Goen” means good relationship, so it is popular. Another popular number is 45 yen. That’s “Shiju-goen”. “Shiju”means “always”, so “always good relationship”.
On New Year’s day, temples and shrines are very crowded, and there is a long line waiting for making a wish. Then it is very difficult to put money into the saisenbako.
There is a problem with saisenbako. They don’t have security system, so sometimes people steal money. But, when they steal money from saisenbako, they will be punished by the god before they are arrested by the police.

N: Maybe they will be punished both from the god and the police.

(7) Q&Aのやり取りの再現

N:Are there the same kind of boxes both in shrines and temples?
私:Almost the same thing. Actually, the name is different. Saisen is Shinto thing, and in the temple it is named Jozai (or something). But they work the same way.
N: Other than New Year’s day, when do Japanese people make a wish in a year?
私: It’s not the time of the year, but when we are going to do something big, like starting a new business or getting married.
N: How do you decide the amount of money to put in?
私: The money is completely up to the people making a wish. If they wish something big, probably they put in a lot. Temples and shrines don’t say anything about it.
N: Do Japanese people believe that gods or Buddha make their wish come true? I hear that most Japanese are not so religious people.
私: We ‘hope’ that gods or Buddha brings us good luck.

(8) 通訳の日本文


(聞き逃してもいけないので、日本人面接官の方をしっかり見ながら、紙を見ないでメモしていました…が、いざ英訳しようとメモを見ると、前半の字が崩壊しており読めない。2,3秒動揺しましたが、 内容を思い出しながら話しました)

(9) 英語訳の再現

Asakusa is a very old town in Tokyo. It has flourished with Sensoji temple. The symbol of Asakusa is Kaminarimon. It is a gate with a red, big lantern. The street from Kaminarimon to Sensoji is called Nakamise-dori. There are many shops along the street. There are souvenirs shops and sweets shops. The street is always very crowded with foreign tourists.


回る場所  東京スカイツリー、浅草、皇居、明治神宮
条件 旅程の延長はできない。

The schedule says that you are going to visit Tokyo Skytree, Asakusa, The Imperial Palace, and Meiji Jingu in half a day. That will be a very very busy day. Tokyo Skytree and Asakusa are close to each other, and The Imperial Palace and Meiji Jingu are close to each other. If you choose one of the two areas, you can enjoy the day perfectly.
N: What happens in each option?
私:If you like to go shopping and enjoy the scenery, Tokyo Skytree and Asakusa is the choice. If you like historical places, Meiji Jingu and the Imperial house will be better.
N: You said scenery. What kind of scenery can we see?
私:From Tokyo Skytree, you can see the whole town of Tokyo. And, if the weather is nice, you can see Mt. Fuji.
N: Do you think it’s worth visiting?
私:Yes, if you are not afraid of height.
N: Height? Why?
私:Because Tokyo Skytree is a very tall tower.
N: I see. I’m not afraid of height. Have you been there?
私:Yes. I enjoyed it.

N: Apart from the situation, what do you think are the differences between Kanto and Kansai area?
私:Well, about Kanto area, especially Tokyo is a very big city. We have many things to see, many places are crowded. Also, the transportation system is very complicated. Maybe we need a tour guide in Kanto area. Kansai area has more relaxed atmosphere.

(10) 日本語での質疑応答の有無


(11) 試験終了後のやり取り

お互いにThank you. と言って退室しました。

(12) 終了後、退出してから解散までの手順


(13) 全体を通しての感想など



